Chapter 29

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Guys 96 votes and 2.85K reads! ^__^ So imprinted on has only 5 or so chapters left. I'd stretch it as I'm getting more readers but that would just create meaningless drama and I need to finish it.

"You look different.." Miles scrutinized each inch of my face while I tried to focus on anything but his heart beat. I was wearing contacts to hide my new eye color, foundation to reduce paleness and I had practiced for weeks on mimicking my old voice. I still looked different but it wasn't a drastically large change. It had been 5 weeks since Jared visited me last at the Cullen household.

I had worked so hard in those 5 weeks. Succeeding in sounding like my old self and trying to control myself around humans without shredding them to pieces and sucking their blood dry. The Cullens were impressed with my progress and determination and there I was back in La Push.

My three friends still stared at me, trying to understand what made me seem different.

"Just trying new makeup," I muttered.

"We're mad at you young lady. Sure you had a funeral but then you go off on a holiday without seeing us, it's been two months," Sarah scolded, trying to look mad but failing.

"I've missed you guys so much too! Tell me everything, Miles I'm so proud of you for coming out to everyone man!"

As I said my only form of sanity these past few weeks had been being able to text my friends.

So much had happened. Miles came out to his parents. Lisa was dating Seth now and yes he had imprinted on her. I got the feeling that she knew something about the werewolf slash vampire world, as she was sending me knowing glances. I wondered what Seth had told her...Maybe it'd be a relief for one friend to know of my condition and cover for me.

All four of us chilled on Sarah's couch which should be for three people. Lisa sat squashed beside me and didn't comment on how cold I was.

It was like the past few weeks hadn't occured. I was back among my friends, completely comfortable, giggling at silly things. It was heaven in comparison to the hell I had crawled out of.

Everyone was happy to see me. When my mom first saw me, she went into full melt down mode, cried her eyes out and said she didn't care what I was as long as I stayed with her. It was nice to feel wanted again after Jared's cold shoulder.

The day flew in my friends' company, my mom rang me at 7:30pm, wanting me to have dinner with her, therefore I bid my friends goodbye.

My house was a good 20 minutes walk and I could easily run home under a minute, yet I enjoyed the stroll. It made me feel...more human.

As soon as I caught a waft of his scent, I instantly regretted my decision. I groaned inwardly. I knew I'd see him soon but not on my very first day back. I wanted to be happy for God's sake!

My brilliant vision spotted him from over 50m away, making out each detail of his face and his brilliant vision spotted mine. Our eyes locked. Chocolate brown on hazel. He looked surprised and as mesmorized as I was. He still looked upset but much better. I could feel Paul's and Quil's eyes on me too but I was looking only at him. And at that moment I knew, I couldn't face him.

Turning my back, I ran home, taking the longer way of circulating the estate I had seen Jared in. I was outside my porch in a minute. I felt miserable. The happiness I had felt today had completely drained.

However, I put my best smile on and stepped inside to have a decent dinner with my mother and see her happy.

In case anyone is confused, I've skipped 5 weeks on and prior to that she was at the Cullens' house another 3 weeks so, it's been 2 months since she turned into a vampire.

I turned 16 on the 13th xD my friends and I went shopping in Sligo and there were so many good looking guys ;) not that we creeped on them..I swear! I bought a 5sos poster too wish they sold MCR, arctic monkeys, 30stm and other band posters too though :(
I'll try update next week :3 Vote & comment!

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