Chapter 32

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Jared pulled back, looking a little shocked with himself. If my face could, I would be flushed crimson by now.

I avoided eye contact, feeling immensely embarrassed. Every time we had kissed, we didn't have to make awkward conversation afterwards. The first time, he had left before I could talk to him, the second, I was really angry.

His hand went under my chin, titling it so I would look at him.

"I'm really, really sorry," he said sincerely.

How could I forgive him? After all the pain and anguish. My unbeating heart was telling me to give in but my brain and pride was telling me hell no. I was too stubborn.

"Why? What's the point? Things can't go back to the old case you haven't realized I'm a vampire, you're a werewolf," I said quietly.

Jared's expression looked slightly conflicted. I didn't want to admit it but I hated seeing him like this. A shadow of himself, and me? I had turned into a bitter person. So fricking vengeful.

"I don't give a shit anymore," Jared replied flatly. "Everything's good when you are with me, and when you're not, it's all shitty. And that's the only thing that makes sense to me," and he stepped forward, closing the small gap between us again and wrapped his arms around my small frame. Everything felt so secure, and warm and like home. My rationality had left me.

A minute later, the door clicked open. Quil, Seth, Embry, Sarah, Lisa and Miles, ran in. Sarah was squealing like a dying walrus. Lisa, Embry, Seth and Quil were smiling. Miles was smirking knowingly. Flustered, I pulled away quickly from Jared. Oh god. This was so embarrassing.

"You're back together, my world is complete again!" Quil announces dramatically.

"We weren't ever together," I said, they were all staring at us.

"Shh don't say that," Sarah frowned, looking visibly pained.

They all came forth and smothered Jared and I in a group hug and I couldn't help but laugh at my group of idiotic friends.


After school, we all went for ice cream, to 'celebrate.' I couldn't exactly eat it but I humored them. It was even more awkward, when Jared insisted on buying me my ice cream, knowing what flavor I'd go for. I could feel him glancing at me every once in a while. I'd never given him an answer for his apology. All my friends thought we were okay, they joked and laughed along with us but the issue really hadn't been resolved.

We all sat down at the tiny table, in the cute ice cream shop. Embry, Sarah Jared and I crammed on one side, Quil, Miles, Seth, Lisa on the other side. God dammit, stupid werewolves for being so abnormally large.

I was shocked when a guy with a tray full of our ice cream orders came to our table. It was the fit shop assistant, from 'Forever 21,' Luke.

"Luke!" I shouted and accidentally spilled my ice cream on Miles.

"I am your father. Go help clean up my friends Miles!"

Luke sighed, looking wearily at me, leading a very angry Miles to the bathroom. Our whole table was sniggering and I was hit with a strong sense of déjà vu.

Jared leaned in towards me, "Now I know why you did that last time, Miles likes him. I remember feeling so jealous. You're back to being like yourself," Jared laughed. Was that relief in his voice I heard?

I found myself genuinely smiling back.

"I feel like myself, I feel like everything's back to normal. Or as normal as it can be," I whispered, the others weren't paying attention to our conversation. Although Quil, Embry and Seth could probably hear us.

My way of telling him that I had forgiven him. There were wolf whistles as Jared tenderly kissed my cheek and I looked away feeling really happy but awkward.

Miles came back with a deer in the headlights look.

"Luke gave me his number," he informed us, voice dazed, eyes wide with shock.

We all patted and congratulated Miles, who I thought would initially kill me for spilling ice cream on him but he gave me a cuddle. I thought I was going to burst with happiness. I needed to find Luke and give him a hug because he had essentially triggered this.

Waheyyy shop assistant Luke came back and saved the day. Such a good cub. I will be posting the Epilogue as soon as possible. *Cries Forever* I promise not to leave you guys hanging for 3 months for it.

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