Chapter 8

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Over 80 reads wooo wooo! Thank you! It's honestly made my day :) I'm sorry this chapter's a little short but I'll update again before Monday xp I might do it in Jared's point of view for the next chapter, haven't had his p.o.v since chapter 1! I didn't fail any of my exams yet! I'm soo happy cx Anywhooo Enjoy!

"Werewolves have this thing..It's hard to explain, they-they form a weird wolf bond with a person.. almost like a soulmate," Jared explained.

Huh? "I know Jared we humans fall in love too even if we may be inferior beings to you wolves," I laughed.

Jared's eyebrows pulled together, "God Kim I'm shit at explaining this.. It's called imprinting, it's different to love, you remember the third wife in the legends? Well she was imprinted on. It's complicated," Jared started raking his hand through his hair.

I frowned, "Uh, I still don't understand?"

"See werewolves imprint, it's at random, it doesn't follow a particular trend. It's like our universe revolves around that one person. We can't control it. We have an irrational sort of.. devotion for the person," Jared tried explaining again.

"So what are you implying?" Ok I was still confused, this was bizarre.

"I imprinted on you," Jared looked me straight in the eyes, sending a jolt through me.

I full on stared at him for ten seconds, "What d-does that even.. mean?" I stammered.

"It means, I care a lot about you."

"I-is this a joke?"

The look he gave me, oh my heart was doing strange things. I've always wanted to hear him say those words but still? This was so strange, I never wanted him to be forced into liking me...

Jared sighed, "I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you to freak out that I have some wolf claim on you. I'd stop it if I could."

Ouch. That last sentence was painful. Who am I kidding? Granted Jared has this whole imprinting thing going on but it's not like he'll ever like me like that ever willingly.

"I don't know what to say Jared," I said looking down, not being able to look him in the eyes anymore. Just yesterday I find out werewolves, yes werewolves exist and now one had imprinted on me? I didn't even fully understand what that meant yet.

Jared restarted the car and started driving again. He didn't say anything for a full 3 minutes, I could tell because I was counting my heart beating loudly. This was awkward and frustrating! However Jared surprised me by turning around and beaming at me, "Kim as creepy and stalkerish as this whole imprinting thing sounds, I'm not gonna sniff your hair or make you stop hanging out with boys. It's my problem, all I want to know is that you're safe and happy, oh I might like to hang out sometimes with you but nothing else."

Of course nothing else. He doesn't like me. Well I'll just suck it up, girl power! God that sounded cheesy.

"Jared I don't even understand any of this," I said shaking my head.

"You don't need to, just don't get a restraining order on me because I just might be around you a lot more from now on."

That made me so happy, thinking that Jared would be around me more but it also hurt at the same time. Fuck you unrequited love.

"Ok I guess," I said making it sound more like a question than an agreement.

"I've freaked you out," Jared smirked. God how does this guy drive and talk so much at the same time?

"I, well I'm not freaked out it's just a lot to take in I suppose," I mumbled.

"Yeah sorry, Let's just change the subject? Why the hell did your friend Miles come up to me at the shop earlier and pat me on the back saying things will get better mate?"

Fackkkkkkkkk! He must've seen Jared when he was getting our chocolate ice cream to cheer Lisa up.

"Uhh, I sort have told him you take drugs to hide the fact that you were a werewolf  yesterday," I gulped.

Jared's deep rumbles of laughter filled up the entire car.

I was probably pure red in the face now. We were nearly at my house now.

"Oh Kim you're obsessed with me being on drugs," Jared laughed.

"Well I had no other way to cover it up!" God, I sounded like a child. Jared just smiled at me and looked at me adoringly? Seriously this imprinting thing had this effect?

We pulled up outside my house and I fumbled to unstrap the seatbelt. After I was struggling for what seemed like ages, Jared sighed and with a superior smile he helped unbuckle the seatbelt. I wondered if he could hear my heart beating, it was so loud!

"You're like a helpless puppy," he smiled when the seatbelt was off me.

"Says the dog," I joked.

He narrowed his eyes "Wolf actually."

"Good night Jared," I said opening the car door.

"Night Kim, I know you'll be dreaming about me," he said cockily.

Thank god it was too dark for him to see me blush.

"Ha no, you sure you wont be dreaming about me?" I scoffed.

"I probably will," Jared admitted, grinning sheepishly.

Aw, he looked so cute say something smart so he doesn't think you have been affected greatly by his comment Kim!

"Have fun with the nightmares! See you," I said getting out of the car.

"Bye," Jared said simply and started his car again.

I let myself into the house and went straight to the kitchen, I found my mother drinking coffee on the dining table.

"How was the date?" She questioned.

"It wasn't a date mom, just hanging out," I answered. I grabbed a capri-sun and kissed my mother goodnight.

When I got to my room all I could think about was Jared. Man. What a night. He seriously cared about me now because of his wolf gene? Ugh why did he have to imprint on me to start liking me? Why couldn't he care about me without the whole imprinting thing?

To escape my thoughts I turned on my t.v. and the Titanic was on. Yum, yum Leonardo Di Caprio. After the usual crying that follows after Jack dies, I curled up into my bed and waited for sleep to take me. I wish that I was the type of person that fell asleep easily but noooo, Jared came back to my mind. Ugh. Come at me sleep!

Jared could probably tell the future because after a while I fell into a blissful sleep dreaming of Jared.

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