Chapter 16

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I'm updating two chapters because I hadn't updated in long and Jared wasn't in the last chappy and I want to give you more Kim and Jared scenes :* Please VOTE! xx

Back in the hospital, filled with sick people and that disorienting smell.

"Never in my imagination had I thought that I would be guarded by you from a horde of vampires," I said to Leah as we sat in the waiting room.

"I know not many people enjoy my company," Leah said sarcastically but I detected a little bit of hurt which made me uncomfortable.

"Hey, don't say that. You're alright, everyone feels shitty after someone cheats on you-" I was cut off by Leah's laugh that had no sign of humor. "You think Sam cheated on me? I wish, I can't even be angry at the guy, he's the nicest person I know," Leah said harshly.

"But Sam and Emily..?"

Think Kim, you're a smart girl."

"He..imprinted on her?"

The doctor interrupted our conversation by telling me that my mom was conscious. I bolted for my mother forgetting about Leah and her tragic break up.

My mom lay on the bed, still looking pale and very tired.


"Oh mom!" I pulled her in a hug and we just sat there for a few minutes, locked in an embrace.

"I'm sorry sweetie, I should've ate," my mother murmured, stroking my hair.

"It's OK," I said, my voice thick.

"The doctor said that I can go home now."

"My friend Jared's on his way, he'll give us a lift," I said, pulling away from the hug.

"Oh! That guy you love," my mother teased and I knew everything was gonna be alright.

"I'll just go see if he's here mom, then we can go."

I stepped out of the room and there was Jared, speaking with Leah. He looked tense and slightly flushed from getting here so fast. A lump lodged in my throat, seeing him here for me, and remembering our last conversation.

Jared's head jerked in my direction as if he was aware of my presence. We looked at each other, his gaze steady and I felt slightly awkward.

"I'm gonna get something from the vending machine," Leah announced, breaking our silent standoff, and she flounced off, leaving us alone. Jared approached me slowly as if he was afraid of scaring me.

"You okay?" he asked gruffly.

I nodded. We were now focusing intently on anything that wasn't the person in front of us. Jared staring at the wall behind me, me glaring at the floor.

"I'm sorry for snapping-"

"Sorry for pulling you away from your friends." We said it at the same time and laughed.

"It's fine," I said brightly, feeling much happier.

"How's your mom?"

"Fine now."

"Why didn't you ring me?"

I raised my eyebrows, "I'm not gonna ring you at the first sign of danger all the time and I don't exactly have your number."

Abruptly, Jared grabbed my phone, keyed in numbers and his cellphone blared from his pocket.

"There, now we have both our numbers," Jared smiled.

"Break it up you two," said Leah back with a packet of crisp. "Jared you're lucky that I still maintain human transport, otherwise, how were you expecting to get back to LA Push?" Leah asked grudgingly.

"Running here was faster, and I'm oh so grateful Leah," Jared gushed jokingly, trying to hug her.

"Get away!" Leah huffed, fending off Jared.

I laughed. Jared laughed. Even Leah cracked a smile.


Back home, lying in bed. My mother was sleeping safely in her room. It had been a hectic day. First skipping school and cliff diving with Jared, then shopping, encountering a vampire, fighting with Jared, my mother fainting, having a civil conversation with Leah and making up with Jared. Wow. My phone beeped alerting me that I had a message.

From: IlyJaredforeverandhishardabsxx

Goodnight, sweet dreams about me:)

I fell asleep, with a big smile on my face.

So my school is starting on the 8th, I go back pretty late because I'm going to be in TY. Going to get my JC results on the 10th :o I'm not looking forward to that. I don't know when I'll next update. I'll start writing the next chapter bit by bit and have if up as soon as possible but with school and a social life to handle I'll be super busy. Lol me with a social life, I know hard to believe, no I'll update soon:)

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