Chapter Two

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This place is creeping me sometimes... Jooheon thought, maybe I should just look around, where could Hyungwon be? This house is so big I might get lost one day. He laid on the floor, or maybe I should think about what hyung just said. He didn't even tell me how much he spent on me just to get out of jail, I was innocent. Like who would believe that?

He sighed, it seems like yesterday, I was trying to survive each day and now I'm here. I don't even know what to call it. He got up and went to the kitchen to wash the dishes he used for his breakfast, maybe I should cook for Hyungwon, he's been very nice to me since yesterday. He looked at the recipe book on the counter and tried to look for a good food to cook, I wonder if I can speak with hyung again? He looked pissed last night...

"Jooheon-ssi," Hyungwon saw him cutting up the ingredients. "What are you doing?"

"I'm going to cook, I'm bored and I'm not used to someone cooking for me all the time." Jooheon said. "It's pretty cold too, so I made kimchi stew."

"Now I know why I hear sounds." He sighed in relief. "Okay then, promise to clean up after that."

"Hmm? Aren't you going to eat with me?"

"I wish I could, but your brother asked me to follow him." He looked at Jooheon, "I'm giving you my full trust, you're not allowed to leave this house."

"Heh, why would I leave a palace like this?"

"Jooheon-ssi, I'm not messing with you. I know that deep down, you're a good person... please promise me not to leave."

"I told you, I'm not going to leave." He said, "I'm going to wait for Wonho Hyung anyway..."

"Okay then." He went to his office and took his things. He went back to Jooheon, "I'll be leaving now."

"You know you gotta chill, I'm not going to leave." He sighed, "don't trust me?" He took off his necklace. "It's very important to me, but you can have it if I left this place." He said, "that's the most precious thing that I own, it's worth more than all of these."

"Okay..." Hyungwon placed it in his coat's pocket and left.

I guess I don't really look good to be trusted enough... he went on cooking, I literally made a meal for three people, but... yeah.

He ate his meal and washed the dishes after that. He wandered around the house and ended up in front of the painting again. "You really look like the guy in my dream, should I call you Daniel too? I am hoping that we can work together by not haunting me in my dreams? Maybe? Because I know for a fact that I'm going to be in hell again." He chuckled, "I'm such a loser, huh? I'm talking to a painting because I have no friends..." he sighed and sat on the floor, "I guess if you existed in real life, you'll also ignore me. I mean, I'm not cute... I don't even sound cute."

"Who said you're not cute?"

Jooheon looked around, "oh no... I'm starting to hear things again..." he looked around again and laughed it off, "I must be that lonely to think I heard something..."

"I know you can hear me..."

He got up quickly, "wait, are you a ghost?!"

"If you are that curious, why don't you try to find it out yourself?"

"I CAN'T HEAR YOU! I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!!" He covered his ear and runs to his room. He hid under his blanket and covered his head with a pillow. This can't be happening again!

"I didn't mean to scare you..."

"I CAN'T HEAR ANYTHING! LALALALALA...." Hyungwon, please come home... I'm scared. Wonho hyung, please... he cried.

Daniel (Jooheon x I.M)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora