Chapter 14

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《Beca's POV 》

Nash came to the end of the hall were I put the boys.. I knew these kids can't be quiet for nothing.. 

I walk over to Nash and hug him tightly, then lean my head up to speak.

"Nashy! Let's go swimming " I giggle in a babyish tone.

He chuckles, but he's giving me a death stare inside. By now he has no choice.. the boys are ask too exided. Then matt yells "SWIMM TIMEEE!!" Pulling down his pants.. in his swimming shorts.. me and Nash give him the widest look ever, the others just laughing their asses off.

"I've been waiting for this all day" he says in a more serious tone.. trying not to laugh. The other guys go to get dressed in their rooms while Nash and I go back to our room for our stuff. Nash fake smiling the whole time.

I quickly put on a bright orange Bikini top and tight black spandex shorts. I chuck my hair up in a loose pony tail and sit on Matts bed. Nash ventures into the Bathroom with a 'please kill me' smile on his face.

                 《Nash's POV》
Seriously.. swimming.  If she wasn't my Beca. This would not be happening right now. I take off my shirt, revealing old scars, some a deep purple from the cold. I slowly put on shorts and take one more look at myself in this amazing mirror that our hotel has.

'Why me.. why can't I just be happy again.. when is a mirror gonna show Nash again' I think to myself. I run my fingers through my hair and walk out to Beca, my arms against my stomach in an awkward position; hiding some of my man made wounds..

       《Beca's POV》

As soon as Nash comes out of the bathroom I immediately realize what I've done. My face quickly moves from exided to solemn. I stand up and put my hands on Nash's hips, looking him straight in the eyes.

"Nash, we don't have to go if you don't want to"  Nash's face spreads a fake smile

"No Becky... I wanna go" he giggles.

I frown as we walk out the door.

             《Nash's POV 》

We walk into the room with the pool in it, all the guys turn around to make sure we aren't some weird people. They see its me and Beca and continue being retarded. I  raised my eyebrows at Beca. Her eyes widened.

"This is for making me come" I giggle

I pick her up bridal style and jump into the pool. The chlorine burned my scars.

"Really Nash!" Beca shouts as she comes up to the surface. She giggles and lightly pushes my shoulder.

After a minute of just goofing around I catch Taylor looking at the deep purple scars on my side. I look him straight in the face with a 'I forgot about that' look on my face. By now everyone is staring at us, being all awkward. I feel this pit of embarrassment and hate inside of me. My face gets red and my eyes get teary. I want to cry and scream all at the same time. I don't know what to do. So I do the only thing I know how to.  I get up as fast as I can and walk away. 

"Nash! I'm sorry!" I hear Taylors voice yell. By then I was already out the door.

I run down the hallway and up the stairs,  skipping the time consuming elevator.  Whispering to myself

"You're not okay Nash"... "don't do it" between each word, punching my lower left hip. I finally approach my room and open the door Quickly, I rummage through my bag, more quiet this time,  making sure not to wake up Alyssa. I finally find my worthless piece of metal and walk into the Bathroom. Without thinking I press the blade deeply into my right wrist and drag it across. I repeat this 4 times. Deeper each. Just Before the fifth cut I whisper to myself "last cut" pushing the blade in hard and swiftly yanking it in and upward out of my skin. By now there is blood pouring out of the 5 wounds in my wrist. I look down at my arm and the new regrets I had just made.

"I'm sorry Beca!" I yell just before it all went black.

saving nash(suicidal Nash Grier fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now