chapter nine

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(Beca's POV)

well We still had 2 days left until magcon, so I didn't really know what to do. I woke up at about 9:30, none of the guys ever got up Untill 11 ish so I decided to get up Nash after I got ready. I took a quick shower, drying my hair and straightening it. I put on eyeliner and lip gloss. I put on a Grey crop top and white high waisted shorts.

"wanna go for a walk?" I whispered into Nash's ear.

"what time is it.." he mumbled


"let me get ready" he groaned as he started for the bathroom. After about ten minutes he came out with his hair fixed, clothes on, and tired in his eyes. Bracelets filling both arms. I looked at him and smiled. I look his hand in mine kissing his nose sweetly and walking out of the hotel room. We got half way down the hallway and Nash started complaining

"why did you get me up so early.."

I just looked at him and smirked. I start to lean in for a kiss wrapping my arms around his neck, he puts his hands around my waist. Just before our lips touched I pulled away and started tickling him, after a minute he fell to the ground laughing.

"Beca...Beca stop it" "I can't breathe" he laughed out. After a second I got up and helped him off the ground.

"are you tired now?" I smirked at him sarcastic like. He smiled at me, lifting me off my feet into his arms. I wrap my legs around his waist. He twirls me around kissing me passionately. We both pull away smiling.  Once again a shock of electricity shot through my veins.



sorry really short I'll post again later :)

Love- Jewel

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