chapter 27

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(Becas POV)

I sat on my bed. My heart shattered into 7 billion pieces. Enough for every person in the world, because Nash was my world...and now he's gone.
I loved my brother. And I trust his judgements. I hope this all works out.

I wiped the hot tears from My face and scurried downstairs, to the only thing I thought would feel right.

I sat down at the piano and pressed down the keys and sang along to the song that's been stuck in my head.

" it's not quite a mystery, I'm the one who's insecure. You're the one that makes believe that were all okay, we're doing fine, but we're both fighting just to stay, to stay alive. A fragile state of mind, that I can't quite survive."

A tear rolled down my face, then I quickly wiped it away when I heard Brandon venture into the room.

"Keep playing" he smiled.
I did and he sang the next verse

"Without a doubt I need your help. I know you've heard me ask before, but come on girl. I need to tell you now I know what I've done wrong"

I smiled a genuine smiled as we both sang the chorus

"The only way out of here, is the way I've avoided for all my life. There's so many things I wanna say, but there's too many things still in the wayy. I'm lost please help me find my place. You're the only one please lead me out of the dark."

(Brandons POV)

I smiled at my sister. We hadn't sang in so long. I missed it so much. I missed her I'm general.
I hugged her tightly after flashing her a sad smiled, knowing she was only singing because of how sad she was.

"it'll all get better soon" I whispered in her ear.

She started crying hard into my shoulder and for once in My life I didn't have anything to say. I carefully scooped her up and carried her upstairs.
I plopped her on her bed and pulled her blanket ontop of her shaking body. I sat down next to her and stroked her hair
"Sissy calm down. It's all gonna be different tomorrow."

Her shaking stopped a little and it quickly turned to light sniffles. The moment I didn't see anymore tears and her breathing slowed alittle I stood up and kissed her forehead.

"Please don't do anything stupid and reckless" I whispered before turning the light off and closing her door softly.

I really hope that things really will be different tomorrow...

Song played is lead me out of the dark   by crown the empire

saving nash(suicidal Nash Grier fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now