chapter 29

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(Becas POV)

I can't do this anymore... it's been about a week since Nash and I broke up.
I've passed him walking down the street and he couldn't even look at me.

I've fucked everything up. I might as well try and text him again..

B: Nash..please.. I'm sorry.. can we just pretend none of this ever happened.

After about four minutes I got a reply

N: no Beca

The memory came back A tear rolled down my face.

" beca..Youre all the help I need"

"No nash"

Then I slammed the door in his face... that was the last thing I said to him...
I'm such a fuck up.

Why did Brandons opinion matter anyways...?

I pushed that thought out of my head.. it wasn't his fault. I didn't have to listen to him.. that was all me.. stupid, ugly, me

Before I knew it I was crying over everything in my life..

I Want to die... I want to be dead.

Then I could cry onto my mother's shoulder and have her tell me it's all better now.

I walked down the hall, glaring at Brandon with teary eyes, through the Crack of his bedroom door.

I quietly cried stepping hastily down the stairs and scurrying into the kitchen.

I grabbed a butter knife out of the drawer, quickly shoving it in my sweater and running out the front door.

I ran, and ran. Until I found myself at the bridge... the bridge where Nash and I shared so many memories.

I collapsed with tears onto the bench we'd always sit at and mindlessly beat the wood with my shaking hands.

After a good five minutes, I sat up, whipped my tears, and took a deep breath. Every part left inside of me going numb.

I took the butter knife out of my pocket and carved into the wood of the bench

N A S H :

I set the butter knife down and pulled my black sweater over my head, placing it on the bench underneath his name.
Letting the tears flow one last time, I untied my Converse shoes and placed them on top of my sweater.

The tears stopped coming from my eyes, but I let them stain my face.

I approached the small Gate that guarded the water beneath me, and silently climbed to the other side of it.

I'm just a girl that loved a boy that didn't love himself... and it broke Me..

I closed my eyes one more time,and moved my blonde hair behind my ears, whispering to myself

"Nash Grier"

Before I let go of the gate that was holding my frail soul, and took one step forward. Letting the harsh wind carry my body to the fate I'd prescribed.

Story is not over yet :) <3

saving nash(suicidal Nash Grier fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now