Chapter 22

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(Nash's POV)
Beca opened the door with a tear stained face. She looked away when she saw me, and tried to close the door.
The side of my elbow hit against the door, so it wouldn't close. Beca opened the door, and tightly wrapped her arms around my chest. I moved the hair out of her face as she cried.
"Nash,I know you'd never do anything like that.."

"Beca, it's okay" I whispered

"No Nash... I over reacted.. it's all my fault.. I'm so sorry..I should've let you explai.."
I cut her of and crashed my lips onto hers.
She looked up at me, her makeup was streaming down her bloodshot face, and she still looked as beautiful as ever.
Beca hugged me even tighter then before, and in that moment I relised that I wouldn't want my life to be in any other position... yeah, this might be one of the bad days, and the love of my life might be crying, but I guess these are all the things that make us alive. (Beca's POV)
I pull away from Nash, wipe my eyes, and look at the sky. The sunset had just faded and the first few stars where just starting to appear.
The warm air brushed against my wet face, causing me to whipe the remaining tears from my eyes.
"Do you wanna go for a walk..." Nash asked, taking my hand and leading me toward the sidewalk.
I followed, smiling alittle.
(Nash's POV)
Beca and I start walking toward the bridge. When we where about half way there I saw him. Steven, Steven probably bullies me the most out of everyone at school, this was the only time I've seen him this summer.
He smirked at Beca and I, so I walked us over to the other side of the road.
Steven flipped me off as we crossed each other's paths from the opposite sides of the street.
I tried to ignore it, and focus on Beca.
"Who was that Nash?" Beca asked, probably knowing the answer
"Just annother douche bag"
I laughed back at her.
She smiled, then we arrived at the Bridge.
We sat down on the bench like we usually did.
"Hey Beca" I said in a sad voice
"Yeah" she softly

"you found out about me cutting in this very same spot.."

She looked at me, waiting for me to continue

"This used to be a place of sadness. Before I met you, I contemplated jumping off this bridge many, many times.."

"What stopped you.." she asked in a sad voice

"The thought of meeting someone like you.."
(Beca's POV)
I looked at Nash, waiting for him to smirk up alittle. But he didn't.. he was being dead serious..
"I love you Nash.." I sniffled, hugging him tightly.
"I love you too Rebecca.."
I laughed at him using my full name.
We looked at the moonlight on the water, then my attention was brought back to Nash.
I looked at his arms.
"Oh my god, Nash what happened!?" I blurted out.
"I punched my wall being an idiot."

"Oh.." I giggled back at the way he said it.
We both laughed, trying not to lead on the conversation.
(Nash's POV)
"Do you wanna stay at my house tonight?" Beca asked me
"Yeah.. I'm sure my mom won't care." I smiled back.
We both stood up from the bench and started walking back down the street.
"Can I carry you" I smirked
"No'll hurt your wrist"
she laughed at me.
I laughed back,then leaned in to kiss her. Just Before our lips touched I scooped her up bridal style and continued walking.
She gave me the 'your such an idiot' look, then looked away smiling.
"Some day, I'm going to carry you just like this.. but you'll have a beautiful white dress, instead of these old ripped jeans" I smiled kissing her cheek.
She looked down and I watched a tear roll down her face.
I set her back down on her feet
"What's wrong" I said softly, hugging her.

"Nash.. what if you don't make it that far.. what if I can't be there some day.. what if I screw up.."
I saw the pure pain in my girlfriends eyes.
I gave her a tight hug.
"Don't worry Beca.. everything will be okay...I promise.." I repetitively whispered into her hair.
I pulled away from the hug and lifted her chin up, I whipe away the tears and carry her down the rest of the street.
I opened up the door to her house, and set her down on the kitchen floor. I kissed her on the lips softly, not even closing the door yet.
The lights flicked on and I jumped away from Beca and closed the door.
Brandon laughed.
"Sorry, to interrupt anything..."
I laughed shaking my fingers through my hair.
(Beca's POV)
I hugged Brandon, while he poured some cereal into a small bowl.
"Night, love you" I said
"Night sissy" he replied kissing my head.
Nash and I headed up to my room.
I left the light off since we're just going to sleep. I took Nash's shirt off of him and put it on me instead.
He giggled at me as I pulled off my jeans and crawled into my bed.
Nash layed next to me, I cuddled up to his bare chest and let the darkness overcome the sound of his heartbeat.

saving nash(suicidal Nash Grier fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now