chapter two

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(Nash's POV)

I had just gone to California to visit some of my old friends. I quit magcon when my cutting got bad..I didn't want my fans to hurt themselves. My friends knew about my cutting. They're really supportive and make me feel loved,  but I think it's time to start over. I board my plane back to North Carolina. I see a beautiful girl sitting next to her boyfriend probably. I didn't really want to sit there, but there were no other seats. Man was this chick beautiful! she had long blonde hair with bangs, bright green eyes, and just an amazing face shape. She seemed about my age.  I sit next to her and she starts a conversation. I'm kinda nervous, every other girl I've been with or even simply tried to be friends with has always fucked me over. We talk and talk then at the end of the flight I give her a paper that has my phone number and name on it, with one of them smiley faces ;) I get off the plane and drive home. As I'm driving I remeniss on the things I've learned about the girl.
I finally get home and no one is their. "great" I grab my old penny board and skate to the park, witch is probably like an hour away, but I don't care.

(Beca's POV)

we get to my aunts house and holy shit it is huge! We got their and no one was home.. "yea that's nice"
there is a pool and everything! me and Brandon go up the stairs into a short hallway the left wall was blue and the right one was purple and straight there was another set of stairs. Me and Brandon both look at each other with that cheesy smile. We toss our bags in our rooms not even bothering to look in, and run up the stairs.. There is a huge TV, vidio games, windows covering 3/4 of the walls, a glass ceiling, a bathroom and kitchen. Just an epic hang out space. Brandon and I just rummage through the room in amazement. We look out the back windows together "mom would've loved it here" I frown at him "well I guess you're not very smart. This was her house as a kid Beca!" when my grandparents passed they gave the house to my aunt. we laugh and sit together on the beautiful hard wood floor. "wanna check out your room first?" I ask playfully punching his shoulder. "Let's go-" he replys dragging the "go". We walk down the stairs, to the room on the blue side he put his hand on the handle counting "1..2..3!" we shoot open the door. "holy shit!" we both mutter in shock. There is a large bed, his room seemed to have some white and Teal thing going on. There is another bathroom!  He has a dresser with a few pictures on it. "Beca" I turn around to Brandon pointing to a desk on the desk there was a very nice and new phone. Next to it a note that read "I hope you guys love everything! I remembered a few things about you. The closets are full of clothes, I'm not sure of your styles, I had the boy across the street help me. He's cute Beca ;) there's a surprise down stairs.. Open the doors near the parlor :) - love Aunt Kelly" me and Brandon, being the curious people we are, we walk down stairs into the living room. Open the double doors into a beautiful room. "Brandon!" I shriek pointing at the corner of the room. Their perfectly set is a piano, guitar, and a couple microphones. "Beca.. it's us". My brother and I love to sing, it's kind of our thing. We're actually really good.  I play piano and sing.  While Brandon sings with me and plays guitar. After a few minutes of memories me and Brandon go check my room out. I had the same get up except I had a black and purple thing going on. I check inside my desk. "oh my god! Brandon! They have art stuff" drawing was also one of my special talents. After a minute me and Brandon are laying on my floor.  I turn around under my bed I see something I've never seen in real life before. "oh my gosh! Brandon! she got us penny boards!" I Yell. We've always wanted some of them, but we never had enough money.  After I yelled Brandon sprung off my floor to get his out from under his bed. "wanna go explore!" Brandon asks me "of course" I smile walking towards the steps.

(Brandons POV)

me and Beca skated around North Carolina for about a half an hour. We skated past a park and I saw him. The boy from the plane. I could tell Beca had a total crush on him. There was a group of boys. At first I thought they were his friends, but then one punched him in the stomach. I stopped dead in my tracks. "Beca wait!" she stops and I hand her my board. I'm pretty muscular in my mind. The same boy pins the kid down on the ground. "Hey! What the fuck are you doing!" I shout "what are you gonna do about it!" he smashed the kids head into the ground. I pin him on the ground with his face in the dirt. "leave him the fuck alone!" I pick him up and make him and his friends leave. I give out my hand to help the boy up. "hey my names Brandon, I think I met you on the plane!" "oh yea I'm Nash!  I gave your girlfriend my number." she awkwardly scratches his neck like maybe I was going to beat him up too. "oh ew no that was my sister" we laugh then I bring him over to Beca "hey Becky! I saved you're boyfriend!" her and Nash both blushed.

(Nash's POV)

holy shit! nobody has ever stood up for me before. "we'll skate you home if you want" Brandon asks me "yea that would be nice" I reply we skate to my house. Oh my god! They live across the street! That's why Kelly needed my help! "I'll text you" Beca smiles at me before they cross the street.

Holy fuck! I have fiends. Maybe Nash is gonna get himself a girlfriend.

Editing and to I did not know how to use the correct "there's" while writhing this.. Just cringe

saving nash(suicidal Nash Grier fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now