18: Drinks and Insecurities

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He nods and closes the gap, pecking my lips but I chase him and pull him back in for a longer kiss. His hands come up and rest on my waist, tugging me a little closer. When I swipe at his bottom lip with my tongue he pulls away "As much as I would like to continue, I don't want to be late. But we can continue this later."

I nod and let him go and he kisses my cheek before leaving. Soon everyone else is leaving too and then it's just me, Jin and the dogs. Jin cleans for a little bit while I play with Artemis. After she gets tired I pick up her toys and put them away and then let the boys out to go potty. When I come back in Jin calls my name from the kitchen "Ji!"

I go into the kitchen "Yeah?"

"Can I take you out tonight, or later today? Just us?" He asks, looking somewhat nervous

"Like a date?"

He nods "Yeah."

I nod "Yeah, of course. What do you have in mind?"

"I was thinking that maybe we could either go out for lunch or dinner. If we go out for lunch it would be more casual and we could go see the Cherry Blossoms but if we do Dinner it would be fancier."

"How about we do lunch today and go out for dinner another day this week?" I suggest

He nods "Yeah okay. Thats sounds good. When do you want to leave?"

"11:30? And we can come back whenever."

"Do you have a preference on where we go for lunch?"

I shake my head "Nope, you can pick."

"Does a dog Café sound good? We can take Artemis with us?"

I nod "That sounds great Jinnie. Do you need help cleaning?"

He shakes his head "Nope, Im almost done and I don't want you to exert yourself, go sit down and I'll join you in a little bit."

I want to argue but I don't, knowing that I won't win with Jin. So I go sit down in the living room and turn on the TV for background noise and I pull out my phone. I don't want to disturb whatever meeting Hoseok and Namjoon have but I want to text Hoseok and tell him. So I do.

'Hobi, Jinnie asked to take me on a date today. We decided to do lunch and go for a walk and see the Cherry Blossoms and to do dinner another night this week. We'll probably be gone before you guys get home, we're taking Artemis with us. Sorry if I disturbed your meeting.'

I try to focus on the Tv but a couple minutes later my phone dings.

'You didn't disturb anything sunshine, we just finished up but we have a few more things to do. Have fun on your date with Jin, I'll see you both when you get home and you can tell me about it then. And if you're nervous, don't be, just treat it like any other normal day.'

I text him back fairky quickly 'I will. See you when we get back.'

"Jagi, if you're gonna take a little bit you should start to get ready to go now. If you need help just yell okay?" Jin comes in the living room

I nod and get up "I will."

"Take you're time."

"Okay." I head upstairs and start to get ready, showering first and then doing my skin care routine before getting dressed and doing my hair and makeup. I don't do anything dramatic, just run a straightener through my hair and do simple makeup.

Her Plus Seven// BTS Mafia AU (Completed) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin