Joe Toye ~ Can I Sleep Here?

Start from the beginning

"So, uh, the couch. Who's taking it?" Joe asked.

"Rock, paper, scissors for it?" you suggested. "Though I'm not too opposed to the idea of sharing a bed. We've shared makeshift shelters and food, how's a bed any different?"

7 rounds later, you won the bed while Joe won the couch.

"Sleep well, Joey." you jokingly blew him a kiss and closed the door behind you.

It seemed like a few minutes later, but was probably more like a few hours later. Joe quietly opened the door and called out in the dark.

"(Y/N)? Psst, (Y/N)!"

"Hmmm?" you tiredly replied. You were halfway between asleep and awake, and you admit that you probably weren't thinking straight.

"Can I...uh...sleep in here?" he asked.


"Can I sleep in here?" he repeated. "I couldn't sleep on the couch. My neck hurts."

"Huh? Sure. Whatever." you mumbled.

Joe muttered back a quick, "Thanks." and gingerly climbed into the empty side of the bed.

"'Night, (Y/N)."



"Jesus Christ, who turned the fucking thermostat up?" you muttered in your sleep, tossing and turning in bed to find a comfortable spot. It was no use trying to get back to sleep, the heat was uncomfortable enough to keep you half awake, but still 

It was almost as unbearable as Buck Compton's snoring. Almost.

You were pretty sure you had left the thermostat at a comfortable temperature when you had gone to bed, so why did it feel like you were in the middle of a volcano? Maybe it was the blankets? You threw off the comforter in hopes of relieving the heat, but to no avail. You turned from your side onto your stomach, kicking something soft in the process.


Wait, it was probably some extra pillows you stacked up on the side before you slept. Yeah, that was it.

"Why in the name of sanity is it so fucking hot--"

You turned again, wanting to kick the pillows off the bed.

"I'm going to murder Winters tomorrow--"

You flipped over, stretching yourself out as much as you could on your stomach, and you smacked the stack of pillows again.

Only this time, the stack of pillows grunted when you hit it. 

It took you a moment to register, but when you did, you were on high alert.

Wait a minute.

Pillows aren't supposed to grunt.

You were about to turn again, but a warm body flopped--gently--on top of you, furthering any tossing and turning you were about to do. You let out a squeak, almost throwing the person off of you.


And then you remembered being half awake and Joe asking to sleep on the bed, and you accepting because you were half awake and weren't thinking properly.


"If you don't stop going on about how hot it is, I'm going to give you a reason to feel hot." you heard Joe mutter by your ear as his hand found yours and interlaced your fingers together.

You felt your cheeks grow warm, letting out another squeak at what Joe said.

"Oh." you mumbled. "Sorry. G'night."

Joe pressed a soft kiss on the back of your neck. 

"Sleep well, (Y/N)." he repeated your words to him just hours before.

I don't think I can, now.


Turns out, you could, and you woke up with the sunlight on your face. Angrily blinking, you moved to close the blinds, but a pair of arms held you down.

You turned to see Joe Toye pressed up against your back, peacefully sleeping. He looked like an angel; it was hard to see him look well rested--or smiling, even--ever since he joined the team. You smiled softly, then turned back towards the window. Maybe you would endure a few more minutes of sunlight in the face to keep him happy.

"Sleep well, sweetheart?" Joe's voice broke the silence.

"Yes. I think. Maybe?"

He grinned, loosening his arms so I could get up. I didn't move, my fingertips tracing the side of his face.

"What are we?" I asked after a moment, pulling my hand back.

He seemed to be caught off guard when I asked, his eyes widening a bit. 


"Come on, Toye. We're not just friends, and you fucking know it." When he didn't make a move to interrupt me, I kept going.

"From Day One, we've flirted and fought nonstop. Pointless bickering here and there. Which is probably why we didn't want to share a room or a bed in the first place. And yet, we always seem to move towards each other. We still fight, but it's because we care for each other, right? It's because we're attracted to each other."

Joe studied your face, pushing hair out of your face and behind your ear. 

"(Y/N), I'm in so in love with you and it feels so amazing. But there are just some things that make me scared for you, scared for your life. I don't know if you're going to live or die when you go on crazy suicide missions, and it scares me so much. I wouldn't know what to do with myself if you died.

"And I think that's why we've fought so much. Two people, passionate about what they love, never willing to give it up."

You leaned forward and stopped right when your noses touched. "Can I kiss you?"

"You can do whatever you want." Joe smirked.

You grinned and closed the gap, happy to get your feelings sorted out. 

"Y'know," you said as you pulled away. "I think I love you too."

Eugene Roe, George Luz, Joe Toye, Joe Liebgott, Bill Guarnere, and Floyd Talbert all have a special place in my heart. :)

I am on a roll with these imagines lmaooo what's gotten into me this is totally not like me to be turning out so many one shots in a single week

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