40. Do you speak for or deny the human?

Start from the beginning

Haku was not happy to have his mate to be so far away from him. He hoped that she would not have to leave his protective area.

''Now Chihiro when we all can hear and see you clear please tell us''. Chihiro decided to say all the facts that she had repeated in her head since she came there. ''Well, since I first came to the spirit world I have never felt home in the human world again. My parents do not believe in me and my life was miserable. When I got a chance to return here I decided to take it. And ever since I have been back I felt the love that I had missed back in the human world. Here I have real friends and family that would help me no matter what and I knew that I would help them too no matter what happened''. Chihiro said glancing at Haku. Her statements came out much weaker than she had intended it to which made her worried.

''So you say that you do not belong in the human world? But you think that you can find happiness here? Are you sure that your decision is not just because you once tasted the sweetness from this world. If you forgot it all and we let you start over maybe you could find happiness there too?'' He said as he took a few steps closer to her.

Chihiro looked up in his eyes with fear for his words. ''No!'' She screamed out before she could think. ''No?'' He repeated after her. Chihiro could see the blue spirit smile a little as she had burst that out.

''I am sure that even if I never had entered here from the start that my heart does not belong in the human world. It does simply not exist there''. Chihiro said trying to sound collected but she could feel her hands shaking.

''Since you brought so many friends with you I shall ask some of them to speak as well'' He said walking passed Chihiro to the back of the room.

He walked firstly up to Boh. ''Ah here we have a fairly strong spirit'' He said as he, with magic helped Boh rise. ''Are you here to support or deny the human'' He asked as he looked into Bohs eyes. Boh would protect Chihiro no matter what.

''I am her friend and will always be. She made me realise what kindness was from the time I was a baby and because of that I try to become stronger everyday so I one day can be at the same level as her''. Boh said he had his hands in fists trying his best to stay collected. Yubaba was not happy with her baby being forced to speak for the human but there was nothing she could do about it, she simply was not strong enough.

''Thank you for you input Boh'' He said as he continued to another spirit. He went up the frog spirit Keroko. ''Frog spirit what do you have to say? Are you here to support or deny the human?''

Keroko looked most nervous out of all of them. He had never thought that someone with this much power ever would speak to him. ''I am here to support her'' He stammered. ''When she first returned I was not so sure about her and I could not understand why master Haku wanted to keep her around since she was nothing but a human. But she showed me, a lowly spirit nothing but respect and she is always around to help us in the bath house. She may not be a spirit but her heart is strong spirited and she have my fullest respect. I never saw high of humans before meeting her, now I know that not all humans are bad''. He finished. Chihiro were surprised about the way Keroko felt. She was glad that she had made such a big impression on him.

''Thank you Keroko'' the cooper god said. Keroko shivered as he said his name. And went down bowing on the floor again. After that he went up to Sakiko. ''Well little flower spirit do you have anything to say? Are you supporting or denying her?

Sakiko did not completely rise. She looked at Chihiro then to Rin. ''I have to admit that I do not know Chihiro-san so well but from what I have heard from Rin-san she have nothing but my respect. She was also the one who hired me at the bathhouse with a very fair contract which means a lot to me'' She said looking to the ground.

The copper spirit stood so he was looking out over all of his guests. ''Is there anyone else who would like to speak? Please stand up'' He said in a voice that were echoing through the round room. Zeniba stood up first.

''I would like to speak for her as well lord'' Zeniba was looking at Chihiro as she spoke. ''Since she came here the first time I knew that she had a heart of gold and I waited for the day that she would return. I see her as my granddaughter and love her deeply. She always sees to help others before herself and I would do anything in my power if it would make her happy. She deserves to stay here because all of the love she shares with us all because of her our hearts have grew bigger''.

After Zeniba Rin stood up. ''I will speak for her. She is my best friend and she is a real hard worker. She have helped me with tasks when I felt like I could not do it anymore. I left the bathhouse to go and explore the spirit world for a few years. But I knew that if she ever came back I wanted to be at a place where she could find me so we could be friends again. She was just a child when we first met but now she is a beautiful young woman and if I could give up my place in the spirit world for her I would''. Chihiro felt how her eyes were starting to tear up at her friends word. She had no idea that they all felt like this.

When Rin went down again Kamaji stood up. ''I am not a man of many words, but I have to say that she has my fullest respect and she is always ready to give a helping hand. She has a heart as warm as my boiler, maybe even warmer. So I speak for her''. Chihiro could see that Kamaji was a little embarrassed as he spoke. When he was done Eiji stood up.

''I speak to support Chihiro. I met her in the human world since I was there to do some work. I noticed fast that she was a great and beautiful woman whom I wanted to get to know more closely''. Chihiro could almost feel how Haku tense up as Eiji spoke.

''Even though she was always smiling and helping everyone out I could see right through her smile and behind it sadness were hiding. I did not tell her that I was a spirit but she still took me in as one of her friends. When I saw the pain getting to strong for her I led her back to the spirit world. I did not know if she would chose to stay or not but I wanted her to make her own decision. Now when I met her here again, in the spirit world I can see how she is smiling again but now her smile does not hide any sadness, it is genuine and for that I think she should be allowed to stay''.

''Okey I think I have heard enough anyone else who want to say something before we continue?'' The copper spirit asked.

''I want to hear what the witch in the back has to say'' Chihiro looked up to she that it was the little girl in the pink dress that were speaking. She was smirking at Chihiro as she pointed at Yubaba.

''Fariy well Why won't you speak witch?'' The copper spirit said.

Yubaba stood up. She was very calm not hesitating at all. Chihiro tensed up as she started to speak. ''I want to deny the human'' Yuababa said in a clear but low voice. The copper spirit looked at Yubaba with cold eyes as he said ''Please tell me your reasons Yubaba''.

Please press the little star button if you like my story, I would love to know if someone read it haha (^^)/

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