17. Good morning sunshine

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They went to Hakus room and Chihiro sat down in her usual chair and Haku sat behind the desk as usual. He looked at her for a long time not saying a word. Chihiro got a little uncomfortable but they both got disturbed when they heard the sound of her tummy rumbling. ''Someone is hungry'' he laughed softly. Before Chihiro could blink the table was full with delicious food from the ballroom. ''You really should try some of the food meant for the ball, something tells me that you never got the chance to'' he laughed a little lauder.

''Well someone distracted me with a beautiful white spirit around his arm'' Chihiro said as she bit into her food. ''Did you not call her a ghost a minute ago?'' Haku asked amused that his little human had gotten so jealous. ''Well who said ghosts can not be beautiful?'' Chihiro said. ''You were most beautiful tonight Chihiro, and all other nights, and days...'' He said with a smile still joking with her. ''You sure know how to irritate me'' Chihiro said but she was not angry, today had been a busy day and she started to feel sleepy. She did not want to leave his side just yet.

''You look tired my little human why won't you go to sleep?'' He asked with a soft voice. Chihiro was struggling to keep her eyes open. ''I do not want to leave yet'' She said. Haku went to grab a shirt which belong to one of his usual outfits. Here change into this and you can sleep here if you wish to, do not worry I will not do anything to you. He said as he walked into on of the rooms in the back also changing she assumed.

Chihiro could not really get the dress off herself though since it was all tied in the back. ''Haku?'' She called. ''Already done? He asked as he appeared in the back of the room '' She was still fully dressed and eyes half opened. ''Can you untie it in the back? She asked him.

Haku swallowed hard. He went up to her to untie her dress. How did he end up in this position? Maybe it was best if she left his room anyway? But he wanted her near him as well. ''All done'' He said as he had untied it quickly trying to focus on the wall instead of her body.

''Why don't you change in the bathroom? he pointed to the room in the back. Chihiro walked there holding up her dress. She was too tired to notice what it looked like and changed quickly. She also removed her make up with some soup and water. She really did not care if he saw her without it since she usually did not wear any makeup anyway. She also could not stand the feeling of sleeping with makeup on.

I am done she said as she walked out of the bathroom resembling a sloth. Hakus eyes widened. She looked so cute with his shirt on. Maybe this was even better than when she had worn the dress? He led her towards the bed ''You can sleep here tonight'' he said kissed the top of her head once and walked away. Chihiro were way to tired to think and she fell asleep as soon as her head touched his pillow.


Chihiro woke up slowly the next morning. She stretched her legs out and was surprised about how comfortable she was. Where was she? She could feel the fresh scent from the bed it smelled like...like.... HAKU! Chihiro flew up. Had she really fallen asleep in Hakus bed the last night? Wait was he her boyfriend now? It still felt wrong to use that word. And she was so confused.

''Good morning sleepyhead'' Haku walked over to the bed. He could see that she looked a little confused. ''You better not tell me that you have forgotten everything about last night'' he warned as he sat down on the bedside. Chihiro looked into his eyes as all the pieces started to fall into place. ''Are you building a birds nest in your hair or is it a new fashion trend? Haku chuckled. Chihiro realised how she must look like, she quickly hid under the blanket. ''I am just joking with you Chihiro'' he said still laughing softly.

''You should not look at me when I look this ugly Haku'' she said from under the blanket. Haku removed the blanket from her face. ''You can never look ugly my Chihiro, but if you must...'' he held his hand out and in a blink of an eye he held a brush. Chihiro reached out to get it from him. ''allow me'' he said and he started to brush her hair.

It felt very nice to have someone else brushing your hair for you. She should always make him brush her hair she thought. Because she can do that now, because he was hers. ''Now my princess is back'' he chuckled as he finished. ''Let us have some breakfast''.

His desk was filled with food as usual. They started to eat slowly. ''What now?'' Chihiro said deep in thought. He smiled at her. ''What do you mean now? he asked as he sat back in his chair. ''Well.. about us'' she said with a small blush touching her face. ''us?'' Haku said deciding to toy with her a little. She just glared into his eyes. She was fully awake now so she knew that everything that happened last night was real. But two could play this game she thought.

''Oh, I just had a weird dream, never mind there is no us''. she said with a cool tone. Now Haku got a little frustrated this conversation was not going in the direction he had hoped it for. ''What was the dream about?'' he asked. ''It is a little embarrassing but I dreamt that you confessed your love for me in front of the whole bathhouse. Such a stupid dream right. Like you and me would ever be a couple'' Chihiro was a little worried that she had gone to far with the last sentence but he had started the whole thing.

In frustration he yelled out ''It was not a dream Chihiro I did confess my love for you! Please do not tell me that you are having second thoughts'' he pleaed with her. How did the conversation take such a turn. Chihiro burst out laughing. He did not know how to stop her. ''Chihiro I am serious!'' he said scared that she did not feel the same for him. Chihiro saw the doubt in his eyes and decided to stop.

''If you are toying with me Haku, know that I will play right back'' She said as she walked over to his side of the table. She had not really planed what to do from there but she decided to sit down on his lap. Hoping that she wasn't too heavy or overstepping boundaries. He seemed to like that she had made the first move to get near him. So she knew that it was okay.

''You nearly gave me a heart attack'' he said into her hair. ''I do apoligize'' Chihiro laughed. They sat there in silence for a while. Chihiro were playing with his hand. ''Well the bathhouse will be in a bit of cause today so please be careful, probably all of the staff will ask you questions''. Haku looked down at his little human. She looked a little confused. ''They will wonder how the handsome god can be in love with anyone'' he said with a smirk. ''And since they know that you are the one who stole my heart they will ask you''.

Chihiro sighted. She also knew that going back to work would not be easy as dancing on roses. Then again she did not have to, she was just Rins assistance maybe she could stay in her room if Rin was not too busy. ''Or you can stay with me'' Haku said as if he was reading her thoughts. ''Yeah, because people will not talk more when they realise that I spent the night and all day in your room''. Chihiro said as she stood up. ''It is okay, do not leave'' he said reaching an arm after her. ''see you later master Haku'' she said and bowed to him as she left his room.

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