28. I have to leave

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Eiji started to tell them what had happened since Chihiro had left the human world. First when it got into the news that she had disappeared Rumi came to talk with him. She knew that it was something strange with Eiji since Chihiro had felt so unease at the theme park.

Eiji had decided to tell her the whole truth, when she did not believe him he changed into his dragon form but he could only keep it for a few seconds and after that he had to sleep for days. He had no idea that using magic in the human world was so tiering and he knew he would not be able to do it again.

Rumi had taken care of him in her apartment. Sadly her boyfriend found out that Eiji was staying there, he thought that she was cheating on him and they broke up. Rumi did not seem to care that much since she was mostly worried about what would happened to Chihiros parents.

Chihiro had not thought that it would look weird infront of the police if she just disappeared. But apparently her parents was suspected for kidnaping and murderer. They had not been able to charge them since they had not found Chihiro or her body, but they were still being questioned.

Chihiro felt very bad when Eiji told her that. Even though she and her parents did not always get on eye to eye, they did not deserve to be punished for something they had not done. She felt so guilty by this.

Haku pet Chihiros head as she cried into his shoulder trying to comfort her. Why had she been so stupid. Only thinking about herself!

''Chihiro...'' Haku said with a little sadness in his voice. ''Chihiro I think that you have to go back''. Chihiro gasped, she knew that it was the right think to do but she could not live in the human world anymore she knew that she did not belong there.

''Haku I... I do not think that I can. No matter how selfish of me it is'' She cried feeling so stupid and selfish. ''Do not worry Chihiro I will never let you go again, just go for a couple of weeks, clear things up and then you can come back to me''. He said trying to sound positive but it hurt him more than he ever would show. ''Chihiro you will never be able to be happy if you do not go back. I promise you I will not let go of you again, I can simply not exist without you anymore''.

Chihiro cried a bit more but knew that it was the right thing to do, she calmed herself down to make a plan. ''So how should I go about this? How can I convince them that I am fine and then disappear again?'' They all thought for a while.

''I guess go to the police station, show them that you are alive. After that only tell your parents about the truth and then come back? They can always say that you moved out of the country or something, you are old enough''. Eiji said trying to come up with a solution.

It was the best for now and Chihiro thought that she at least should try that. They decided that she would return the next day already. They both wanted to get it over with as soon as possible.

The next morning they were by the border, ready to say their goodbyes. Zeniba had heard about all that was going on and came to support them.

Rin hugged Chihiro first, Do your best Chihiro and come back fast! I will never forgive you if you do not come back''. She hugged her tightly.

Next up was Eiji he did not dare to hug Chihiro again when Haku was watching ''Do your best Chihiro, remember that if you need help Rumi will believe in you''.

Zeniba came forward to Chihiro and gave her a huge hug. ''I hate saying goodbye to you my girl, so let us make this the last time. No face and I made a little gift for you'' she pulled up a hair tie in baby blue, the same blue as her ballgown had been in. ''This will keep you safe, I am not as strong as your dragon of corse but I wanted to contribute if even just a little''.

''Thank you so much granny!'' Chihiro said as she hugged the witch. ''We will leave you two alone now'' Zeniba said as she waved for everyone to walk away.

Haku looked at his human he could see tears in her eyes but got surprised when he noticed something wet on his own cheek. Was he crying?

He took her hands in his own. ''Chihiro do not fear, no matter what happens I will come and get you. If you are not back within 14days I will use all my powers to bring you back trust me this time''. He said with a smile, but it did not reach his eyes.

He took one of his hands to take out the egendomsamullet from underneath her cloths. ''You should show this at all times. It will keep you safe from everything. Humans may not understand it but I am sure that even them would be able to feel its power in the human world''. He looked sad but he was glad that she could be protected by him even when he was not near.

''Haku...'' Chihiro said he looked into her eyes. Tears were streaming down from both of their eyes. ''Haku, I am so glad that I found you again and I will return to you as soon as I can! I want to spend my whole life with you and no matter the outcome in the human world I will be back by your side''. Chihiro said smiling through tears.

Haku lend in and kissed her one last time. The kiss felt desperate, already longing for her.

''I love you Chihiro'' He whispered as they pulled apart. ''Go now, before I change my mind and won't let you''. He let go of her hands but before she went he lent in and whispered into her right ear ''remember, to not look back as you cross the border''.

She looked at him one last time afraid that this would be the last time she ever saw him even though he had promised her that it was not, he had made that promis before. Tears were streaming down her face as she took her first steps across the field and into the human world.

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