34. Hard Work

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Haku collapsed as soon as he had landed in his room and changed into his human form. Chihiro did not know what to do with the dragon so she tried her best to drag him to his bed, but he still did not wake up. ''Haku? Haku!'' Chihiros heart were pounding hard in her chest, what was wrong with him? She had never seen him like this before.
She decided that she needed help from a spirit. After all she did not know much about Spirits bodies and how they worked.

She ran out of his room looking after the first familiar face that she saw. ''Chihiro?'' She heard from behind her. She turned around to see Eiji. ''Perfect!'' she said as she grabbed his hand and dragged him with her. ''We have to go''.

''What is going on Chihiro?'' Eiji asked as she dragged her in the corridor leading to Hakus room.
''Haku is bad and I do not know what to do''. Eiji saw how worried Chihiro was for her partner it made him a little jealous.

Chihiro pushed him towards Haku. ''He collapsed as soon as we landed'' Chihiro yelled thinking that she would throw up because of worry. Eiji looked at his master he usually did not want to be that close to him but he knew that it was an emergency so he touched his masters forehead.

''His magic is very low right mow Chihiro, but he should be fine in a few days'' Eiji said as he removed his hand from Hakus forehead. He felt bad that he had dared to touch Haku. ''Why would it make him this low?'' Chihiro said close to tears.

''It is not easy for a spirit to go into the human world'' Eiji said looking at Haku. ''I am surprised that he could manage at all most spirits are simply not able too''.

''But you did it too? and for over a year!'' Chihiro said looking at Eiji. ''No I did not Chihiro, it was Haku who sent me that time, it is easier to send other spirits than to go yourself. Not that I ever would be powerful enough to send an other spirits either'' Eiji said. He saw that the worry on her face did not go away.

''You do not have to worry Chihiro, he will be okay, but if you want him to heal faster maybe you can ask Kamaji to cook something up for you''. Eiji said.

Chihiro went to Kamaji right away. ''Chihiro welcome back!'' He said as she stepped into his boiler room feeling the heat hitting her in the face. ''Kamaji! Haku is very sick he lost almost all his magic since he came to get me in the human world'' Chihiro said to the boiler man. ''I see some tasks are even to much for him to handle''. Kamaji started to mix some herbs together and handed a redish looking liquid to Chihiro. ''Make him drink this and he shall heal a little faster, but the best medicine for him right now is sleep. Do not worry about him Sen he will be fine, its Haku''.

Chihiro felt a little relived to hear Kamaji say that Haku would be fine but she was still worried about him and would not leave his side until he was completely normal again.

She lifted his head up to her lap as she poured the liquid into his mouth. He was not moving at all. She put his head back on the pillow and sat on the floor next to his bed and watched him. Finally they could be together she thought. Being away from him had been very hard for her and she never wanted to part from him ever again. She knew that she was finally ready to tell him all that if only he could open his eyes.

She woke up beside his bed the next morning. She do not remember when she had fallen asleep. Haku was still not moving, but she was not too worried anymore since everyone had said that he would be okay. She heard a knock on the door. She was not sure if she should let people in when Haku was in this stage so she decided to ignore it.

After a while the door opened a little. ''Excuse me is Haku here by any chance?'' A frog spirit peeked though the door. ''I am afraid not'' Chihiro said she had closed the curtains surrounding Hakus bed so no one could see him in this stage. ''Is there anything I can help you with?'' Chihiro asked unsure if she had any right to speak for the dragon.

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