40. Do you speak for or deny the human?

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Chihiro could feel the power from the powerful gods in front of her.
There were five chairs in front of them. To the right a old looking man was sitting with a shaved head but a beard that touched the floor. His eyes were closed but he was not sleeping. He was wearing a purple kimono with beautiful gold details on it. next to him another man was seated he was looking a bit younger maybe in his 50s. Even though Chihiro knew that he was much older than that. For some reason he looked very human with brown hair and a plain black kimono. His expression was cold and hard.

In the middle was the most surprising out of them all. A young girl, around 12years old was sitting. She could not touch the floor from her seat but her beauty was definitely out of this world. She had blonde wavy hair down to her knees and big blue eyes, which almost were shining. She looked like a living doll. Her face was round as a childs and she was dressed in a pink dress to emphasise the dolly look.

Next to her a big built man around his 30s were seated. His hair was copper coloured and his skin were almost the shade of gold. He also wore a blue kimono but he had it a bit loose and sat with his legs spread and his arms were leaning on the armrest. He was looking most powerful of them all. But Chihiro knew to not judge a book by its cover and she was mostly curious about the small girl

Next to him the small blue woman spirit Chihiro had met before were seated she looked like she was in her 20s maybe 30s. She was looking at Chihiro with warm eyes and a small smile on her lips.

As all of them had entered the room Haku bowed down all the way down with his head to the floor, everyone followed his example and Chihiro copied as well without questioning it.

The big copper man started to talk. ''Nice to see you again Nigihayami Kohaku Nushi, why won't you rise so we can have a good look at you, we have not seen you in such a long time'' he said with an expressionless face. Haku rose slowly. He did still let his eyes met theirs.

''Why do you not visit us more often?'' He asked with a smirk to the dragon. ''My apologise I did not know that you wished to see me'' Haku answered shortly still staring down to the floor. ''Have you considered what we offered you last time?'' He asked still with the same smirk.

Offered him? Chihiro thought. She could see how Zeniba tensed a bit. ''I am sorry but my answer stays the same'' Haku said always making his answers short. ''Such a pity'' The copper spirit said.

''Okay let us get right to it, where is the human?'' He asked already looking at Chihiro. ''You may rise young girl'' Chihiro stood up still keeping her eyes to the ground trying to copy Hakus actions.

''Now why do you not look me in the eyes? I am not going to hurt you''. Chihiro did as she was told she looked into his orange, almost red eyes. She felt more insecure about being there now than she had before. How would she be able to make a case for herself when she had nothing to go for?

''Is this your worker Nigihayami?'' The spirit asked. ''Indeed she is'' Haku answered. ''Why would you ever want a human working for you? What job could she possible do that a spirit could not do better?'' The spirit asked with real curiosity. ''She is very hardworking and her different morals can help us all grow a bigger understanding for each other and learn things we never knew we were missing''. He said.

The spirit walked closer to Haku. It made Chihiro tense up a bit. She would not let anyone touch him even if it would cost her her life.

''Chihiro, could you please tell me why we should bond you?'' He asked turning away from Haku and Looking at her. ''Why do you not step froward Chihiro? I can almost not see you all the way in the back''. Chihiro walked up and followed the spirit closer to the chairs as the copper spirit gestured for her to follow him there.

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