Chapter 2: Building A Team

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Anissa, Jennifer, & Jeff are all back home.

"So how was it?", Grace asks.

"It was interesting, we had to stop this meta dude with ice powers, then we payed a visit to Tobias", Anissa stars.

"Tobias what's he up to", Brandon says.

"Take a guess!", Jennifer says.

"The pod kids", Brandon replies.

"Bingo", Anissa says.

"Well he got them this time and he's control them and they each have a mission", Jeff says.

"Which is?", Lynn asks.

"To kill the three of us", Jeff says motioning towards Him, Anissa, & Jennifer.

"WHAT!", Grace, Lynn, & Brandon all say.

"This is just to much", Lynn replies. "There's no way you guys can stop 10 pod kids".

"Your right, which is why we are forming a team", Jeff says.

"Who's gonna be on this team", Lynn ask.

"Well of course me, Dad, and Jenn, along with Grace and Brandon as backup if their down", Anissa states.

"I'm down", Grace replies.

"You know I'm down", Brandon says.

"Well that's two pod kids a piece", Jeff says.

"Um Jeff can I speak with you", Lynn says walking into the kitchen.

"What's up baby", Jeff says.

"There's not 10 pod kids running around Freeland", Lynn replies.

"Yeah cause we already captured Dionté", Jeff replies.

"No years back we tried to open the pods to investigate the body's but 7 of them escaped you already caught 1 of them but there are still six more running free, so your not just fighting 10 metas your fighting 16", Lynn replies.

Jeff's face goes blank he looks over at Jenn and Anissa. "Your mom just informed me we aren't up against 10 metas but 16 of them".

"What there's no way the five of us can capture 16 metas", Anissa says.

"Maybe we won't have to we still have TC and Erica, and maybe that Dionté dude", Jenn replies.

"TC doesn't know hands on tactical, We don't know if Erica is stable, and Dionté will never cooperate with us", Anissa says.

"We can possibly teach TC, Erica is stable according to Lynn, and Leave Dionté to me", Jeff says.

"Well this might work", Anissa says looking around.

"For now we can only get some rest and meet back up at Gambi's at 10 am sharp, everyone", Jeff says.

Everyone goes their separate ways in hopes of getting enough rest because training day was tomorrow and Jeff isn't a nice coach.

The next day comes to quick, Brandon, Jenn, TC, Erica, Grace, and Anissa are sitting waiting for Jefferson to arrive. He finally arrives carrying a box of doughnuts.

"Oh so you made this big speech about being her at 10:00 am sharp and it's 10:15", Anissa says.

"I got doughnuts though", Jeff says.

"That's the only reason I'm not too mad", Anissa says grabbing a doughnut.

After they eat they meet up in the Training Room.

"Ok so everybody get a partner", Jeff says.

Of course Grace and Anissa pair up, Brandon and Jenn pair up leaving TC and Erica.

"Ok girls except Anissa attack your partner on my go, Boys and Anissa your job is to not let your partner touch you what so ever, no powers, go!", Jeff orders.

They began fighting each other in just a split second TC is on the floor, Grace and Anissa are playing around to much and Anissa ends up on the floor leaving Jenn and Brandon still training, Jennifer finally gets a hit on Brandon and takes him down.

"Good Jennifer, good Brandon since y'all seem to be the only ones ready", Jeff says looking at the 4 failures.

"I'm sorry Dad but this Training is actually irrelevant, you seen what we can do and you know we all will do good on a team", Anissa says.

"Yeah but -", Jeff starts

Just then Gambi walks in carrying an iPad.

"Pierces there is a vigilante at the mall in South Freeland, says he is causing chaos, you guys need to check that out", Gambi says.

"Ok Jenn and Anissa lets suit up", Jeff says.

"That won't be necessary", Dionté says walking down the stairs pushing the frozen Vigilante.

"KHALIL!", Jennifer says lighting the ice.

Khalil bursts out of the ice and tries to attack Dionté. But Jenn grabs his hand.

"Wait Khalil no, why were you causing chaos at the mall", Jenn says.

"No the better question is why did this Frozone dude bring me here", Khalil says pointing to Dionté.

"Because there's Pod Kids running around and if the government gets them they will be locked up you could be mistaken for a pod kid", Dionté says.

"Well what's this a Girl Scout retreat", Khalil says pointing to everybody.

"No were forming a team to round up the pods kids", Jenn says.

"Well you won't get far with this team, you can't put a techno in the field they'll demolish him", Khalil says pointing at TC.

"And you won't", Anissa says.

"No I'm highly trained I can handle myself", Khalil says.

"Oh really, then why don't you join our team son", Jeff says.

"I'm not your son but if this goes against Tobias maybe I'll be interested", Khalil says.

"Tobias is the one that's controlling them", Jenn

"Can we even trust him, what if he turns back into Painkiller", Anissa says.

"Painkiller is dead", Khalil says.

"And how do you know that", Anissa says.

"Because I killed him and now I've been stripped of my demonic like side", Khalil replies.

"Well that's good news now you can help fight for the good side", Jenn says.

"Wait Jenn I never said I was good I just said I would help", Khalil says.

"What do you mean", Jenn replies.

"He means that even if he's with us it doesn't mean he's here to stay with us, he'll walk out of your life again as soon as this is over", Brandon says.

"Oh and who are you cause you seem to know a lot about me", Khalil replies moving towards Brandon.

"I'm the one that stuck by", Brandon says.

"Hey guys stop", Jenn says.

Just then Gambi walks in, "Jennifer's right and plus Lynn just sent me the list of all the pod kids that were taken so we can divide a conquer".

"Yeah but we won't take action until my team can be a team", Jeff says.

"Well what are y'all all just sitting here waiting for you're not getting suits until y'all work together", Gambi says.

Everyone's faces light up as they rush to start training again.

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