Castiel knew it was useless to get Charlie's mind off an idea once she got it. He sighed and hoped for the best Monday. Now that he thought about it, he couldn't wait to see Dean again. Dean, his friend. He smiled at the thought and spent the rest of his time reading the newest Harry Potter book.

When school was starting again on Monday, Castiel and Dean met up outside and talked a bit. Castiel liked this Dean, talking to him. He learned he had a little brother, Sam, who was nothing like Dean. He wanted to grow up studying, reading, and becoming a lawyer, while Dean's only though was getting money for Sam to live his dream. Castiel smiled at that, Dean seemed like someone you wouldn't expect to do so much for his little brother.

As the week went by, Dean and Castiel talked more and more, causing some really meaningful looks from Charlie.

It was surprisingly calm at the Winchester's house, John still coming home late every night, but he hadn't lost his control once this week. Dean was really glad John hadn't done anything; he was so tired and probably couldn't handle another time cleaning up John's mess.

Another week passed and Dean could easily say Castiel has been the best friend he has ever had. He didn't ask, didn't want anything, he just listened to what Dean told him. Sometimes he would squint, not understanding something. He would never admit it, but Dean thought it was kinda cute. When he had told Castiel he would like to be his friend, he thought it was a bad decision, but now, he couldn't be happier with Castiel.

On Friday, he dared to ask Castiel to come over next Saturday. It would be safe since John wouldn't even be there for dinner on Saturdays.

Castiel looked happy at the request, and told him he would be there. He couldn't wait to meet Sam, Dean talked about him all the time, about how proud he was, how well Sam did in school and how he was sure Sam was gonna make it. Something Dean never talked about was his own future, and Castiel didn't ask about it, he had learned to let people tell them what they wanted and if they wouldn't want to tell something, it was none of his business so he wasn't gonna ask for it.

Saturday morning, Dean woke up to an empty bed. He stumbled downstairs and saw Sam was already up. "mornin' Sammy." Sam greeted him back, not looking up from the book he was reading. It was Harry Potter, the first book.

Dean remembered the happiness in the eyes of his little brother when he gave it to him. Sam had looked at it, asked if it was really for him and when Dean had nodded, he hugged Dean so tight, he thought Sam was never gonna let go. The memory made him smile as he went to made breakfast.

When he was done working that evening, they had a few minutes to get home before Castiel would be there. Once they pulled over by the house, Castiel just came walking towards it. He smiled when he saw the Impala park.

The door opened, and a younger boy stepped out, holding a familiar book. When Castiel walked closer, he recognized the first book of the Harry Potter series. Dean also stepped out now, and smiled at Castiel before opening the front door. Castiel walked inside, not knowing what to expect. He saw Dean smiling at Sam, who immediately returned to his book once he was inside.

"You can take a seat, I'm making dinner anyways," he gestured towards the kitchen table as he saw Castiel standing awkward in the kitchen. He pulled out some greens and started cleaning them. While Dean made dinner, he and Castiel talked.

"He's quite enjoying his book, I see," Castiel mentioned, looking at Sam.

"Yea," Dean agreed. "I gave it to him, bought it from the extra I got at the garage." Dean had mentioned Bobby's garage earlier, and Castiel knew Dean had a thing for cars.

When dinner was done, Dean called for Sam and they all got to the table. They chatted and Castiel complimented Dean on the food. Sam smiled happy and told Castiel Dean could make the best food in the world.

Castiel felt his heart warm at this, and knew this brotherly bond wouldn't break any time soon. The way they acted around each other, how Dean cared for Sam, how proud he was, and how they talked, it was as if Dean was his father.

Castiel found out he couldn't be more right. After dinner, Dean did the dishes and Sam read till he was done with his book, sighing happy, a sigh Castiel knew he had it himself too. It was the sigh of being happy because the book was really good, but also sad because it was over. Dean excused himself as he brought Sammy to bed, leaving Castiel alone in the kitchen.

"G'night Sammy, sleep well." Sam smiled happily.

"I like Castiel. Is he coming over more often?" he asked.

"Maybe, we'll see," Dean answered, smiling back. "I'll wake you tomorrow okay?" Sam mumbled a goodnight and Dean closed the door.

Meanwhile, Castiel had a few minutes to think. Where was their dad? And their mom? Why was Dean acting like he was Sam's father? Why did it look like it had always been this way?

He was still deep in thought when Dean came back, and couldn't help but ask it. It was silent for a moment, and Castiel was about to apologize for asking when Dean explained it to him. It all became clear, John being away all the time, leaving it to Dean to look out for Sammy. He didn't talk about their mom, and Castiel didn't ask.

Dean had also told him about how they left every time, the reason why he hadn't had any friends for over 4 years. Castiel felt honored by being Dean's friend by Dean's choice. He couldn't help but think about what Charlie had said. She was right, he was cute, but he didn't like guys. He never had a girlfriend, but he's never really had a thing for guys.

It was late when Castiel left. Dean said he would give him a ride home, if Sam hadn't been asleep. Castiel said it didn't matter; he liked walking in the dark. With a smile, they said their goodbyes and Castiel walked home. Dean closed the door and got Sam's book, putting it away before John would find it.

2 hours later, Dean sat at the kitchen table, waiting for John, and Castiel lay in bed, just done with his book, about to fall asleep. Both of them, thinking about the other, happy to be each other's friend.

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