Chapter Fifteen

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“Don't worry bro, it's all good.” Sienna smiled. “J.J, I worked at Grandma's for you yesterday. She told me to have you stop in today, she has something for you.” I looked at her with confusion, but Silas scooped Maddy up from next to me and kissed my forehead.

“I'll get her jacket on, we'll all go together.” He grinned and walked away.

“Silas, I'm glad you're here. While I talk to Jasmine, why don't you go into the back room. I finally found your grandfather's pocket knife that I want you to have. I left it on the table.” Beverly smiled warmly.

“Well, you brought the little one to see her great grandma. I bet we can find something here for such a cute little girl.” She walked through the store and came back with a fluffy, stuffed pink unicorn. “For you my dear, because we should always believe in the impossible. Now, Jasmine, I want you to have something that I've been working on for you since the first time you walked into my store and Sienna told me who you are. I know it's going to be awhile before you consider using it, but I'm getting old and you never know when I'm going to kick the bucket.” She handed me a garment bag and I hung it on the nearest clothing rack.

I slowly pulled the zipper down on the bag, and gasped as I pulled the beautiful, hand sewn, white, strapless wedding gown out of its plastic housing and admired the intricate beading on the bust of the dress. Tears formed in my eyes as I turned to her, speechless. I tried to get the words to come out, but they were stuck in my throat.

“Beverly.” I cried.

“Nonsense, you call me Grandma, now put it in the bag before Silas comes out and sees it. He isn't to see it until you walk down the aisle.” I placed the dress back into it's confinement and pulled her into a hug.

“It's beautiful, thank you.” I had tears of joy streaming down my face.

“Grandma, I dug through that entire back room and have yet to find a pocket knife. Now, either you're playing tricks on me or you're lost your marbles in that head of yours.” He grinned from ear to ear, and I swear I saw him wink at her.

“Now now Silas, why would I play tricks on you?” She joked.

I woke up on Christmas morning with a pounding headache and realized that Silas had already gotten up. I glanced at the alarm clock and realized that it was already 10:00 in the morning. It was the first time I had slept in since Maddy was born. I swung my feet out of the bed as I sat up and the room began to spin. I had only had a migraine a handful of times, but I knew right away that I was having one worse that I had ever had before. I stumbled to the bathroom with my eyes closed so that the light didn't make the pounding worse and when I got there, I heaved. I ran a hot bath and slid down into water while keeping all the lights off. I dropped my mental block and called to Silas.

-Baby, can you watch Maddy and let everyone know that I won't be joining in this mornings festivities? I have a killer migraine -

-Of course sweetheart, I'll be up shortly to check on you, stay in bed. - his response had been a mere whisper.

-I'm soaking in the tub. Could you bring me some crackers please? I feel like crap.-

Moments later, Silas was sitting on the edge of the tub, and I knew he was really concerned. He was looking at me with fear in his eyes, and for a moment, he said nothing. He handed me a glass of sprite and some crackers, and kissed my forehead. I pushed him back and climbed out of the tub to heave into the toilet. I didn't want Silas to see me like that, but there was nothing I could do about it at that point. He just held back my hair and rubbed my back.

“Should I call Dr. Luis?” He whispered.

“No, I just need to rest. Can you close the bedroom curtains so I can go to bed?” I croaked out and grabbed my head. Moments later, Silas was carrying me to bed. He left me to sleep and I heard him whispering in the hallway.

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