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Astraea Grey

Halfway through the second episode of Vampire Diaries, my damn doorbell started going off. I looked up from my laptop to see my shirtless brother running to his room, with a handful of snacks.

"Colton". I called out pausing my show. He walked backwards stopping at my door.

He forced a small smile on his lips. I could tell his was agitated into getting back into his room. "Yes"

"Go get the doorbell. You were just downstairs."

My brother's grey eyes looked at me before looking at the ceiling. He pursed his lips out as he was thinking. "How about you go get the door. I'm in a match". He showed me the food in his arms, silently telling me his wasn't coming out of his room for the rest of the day. I rolled my eyes before standing up. "Love you too sis". He stuck his tongue out at me before turning around and going back into his room. 

I trotted down my steps. The house was empty, aside from my brother and me being home. My mom was out at her bakery. It was packed and she was running low on workers. I had offered to help but she told me to stay and watch my brother, as she didn't want the house to burn down. What she didn't think through was that I too was very much capable of doing something that stupid too. 

I opened my door and my heart shattered to pieces. The infamous, Hayden Anderson was standing on my doorstep. His hair was a mess from the amount of times running his hand through his hair and his eyes were bloodshot red and puffy. I widened the door, silently signaling him for him to come in. 

Getting the message he walked in. A small sad smile played on his lips as he looked at me. "Hayden, what happened?". My voice game above a whisper. A million and one thoughts were running through my mind. Crazy scenarios were clouding my brain.

Not answering my question. He walked into my kitchen. I all but quickly slammed my door shut and ran into the kitchen. He was in the freezer taking my Rocky Road ice-cream. "Hayden, what happened". I repeated my question from before sitting on the marble island. He leaned against the counter opposite of me.

"Nothing" He mumbled before stuffing a spoon full of ice-cream between his plumped lips into his mouth. My eyes watched closely as he stuck the spoon into his mouth. Seeing that I was staring I turned my head.

"Don't tell me it's nothing. When you were the one who showed up on my doorstep, crying. You're my bestfriend and if somethings bothering you can tell me" I paused from what I was saying. I was such a hypocrite. I couldn't even take my advice. "Did something happened to your family?" I blurted out, while eyeing Hayden.

His eyes widened and he shook his head. "No. But can we go to your room". His voice was above a whisper. I nodded my head and slid off the island and started walking up to my room. I looked back at Hayden who was looking at the tub of ice-cream in his hands while walking up the stair.

What could have possibly happened?

We walked into my room, the scent of vanilla and strawberries filling my nose. Hayden walked over to my bed and flopped down.

"So are you going to tell me what happened?" I closed my room door, not wanting to hear Colton's screaming and cursing about a stupid game.

"Hazel" He muttered before locking eyes with me. "She broke up with me" His voice cracked as the words left his mouth. A lot of people would jump for joy seeing that their crushes girlfriend was finally out the way. But I just couldn't do it. My mouth fell into a straight line. I saw how happy he was with her, and seeing him like this broke my heart.

"She did what?!" I walked into my closet grabbing a hoodie. "I'm going to have a little chat with her" I murmured as I grabbed a pair of sweatpants.

"Rae, don't. Just stay here with me". He placed the ice-cream tub onto the floor and placed his face in his hands. I dropped my pants that were in my hands and walked over and wrapped my tiny arms around his large frame.

"Do you wanna talk about it". I whispered as I sat down beside him then grabbing his large hand. I knew other than writing, talking about your feelings happened to be a really good way to empty your chest.

Hayden let a breath of air come out of his mouth before leaning his head onto my shoulder. "So you know how today I was taking her out." I nodded my head. That was the reason why I decided to write another letter for the millionth time. "Well I was going to tell her I loved her and give her this." He pulled out a gold necklace with her name on it. "But she had other plans apparently. I took her out for dinner, then we went on a walk in the park. I told her about how I felt and showed her the necklace. She wouldn't even look me in the eyes. That's when she broke the news. She said that the spark wasn't there anymore".  His voice cracked again. This time I wrapped my arms around him.

"What's wrong with me". He whispered. "There clearly has to be something that I'm missing if she left me."

I broke away from the hug and pushed his chin up with my pointer finger looking into his chocolate brown eyes. I cupped his face and ran my thumb across in cheek. "There's nothing wrong with you. You're perfect the way you are, Even with your horrible dancing and singing skills. You're perfect and if she couldn't see that then she's not the one. There's someone out there who's going to love you for who you are. Even with your flaws." I placed a small kiss on his forehead. He wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Thank you. You're the best friend I could ever ask for. I love you" He mumbled as he placed his chin on top of my head.

"I love you too". I fought the urge for my voice to break down. He didn't love me. Only as his sister. But he loved the girl that broke his heart. Maybe if I just break his heart too, then he'll see what he's missing. I pulled away from the hug. "Wanna watch Vampire Diaries" A grin spread across my face.

"We watched that like a hundred times" He groaned out before picking the ice-cream tub back up.

"So it's a yes" I crawled under my covers and patted the empty space next to me. "Come on". He rolled his eyes before standing up.

"I'm going to change real quick". He walked over to my dresser where his clothes from pervious nights of him sleeping over stood.

"Hurry up" I grumbled before pressing play.

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