Chapter Twenty - Four

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Shalom lovely readers. How are you all doing in this times? May God bless you, keep you and make His face shine upon you all. Thank you for your patience.


Funmi got off the phone with Mrs. Nwosu with tears running down her face. Her mother collected the phone from her and switched it off.

"That's enough for today Funmi. You have tried to do damage control. Leave the rest to your father."

Funmi turned around to face her mother, "Mum, what do you expect me to do? This is my life! I have nothing else besides this."

"Funmi, you need to stop taking these useless calls and sit down to rest your mind. You have me; you have our family and most importantly, you have God."

"Mum, my name, my reputation and entire career is going down the drain and you are telling me to calm down?"

"Funmi, Funmi, please don't kill me o. Remember you had a mild attack earlier because of the shock."

Funmi slowly lowered herself on her bed and shook her head wildly.

"Why is God doing this to me Mum? What have I done wrong? Do you have any idea who called me earlier? The wife of the Chairman of the Married Christians Organisation called me and gave me the worst names, names, even my hateful father never called me."

The Deaconess had called and expressed how disappointed she was in her and asked her to do something to fix the damage done. Right after that calls poured in from the shareholders of her orphanages, as well as donors and other supporters, demanding explanation about the outrageous news reports. She could not say much except to ask for their patience and trust her integrity. Many of them cut the call with loud disgruntled sounds.

"Funmi," Her mother sat next to her and held her hands.

"Who formed you in my womb?"

She stared at her mother incredulously.

"Answer me Funmi."

"God." She answered grudgingly.

"Who made you accomplish all you have accomplished till date?"


"Who trumpeted you to fame, fortune and good name?"

Funmi sighed, "God."

"Funmilola Olanrewaju, you did not bring yourself this far. You love God more than we did and I will not let you run your mouth against Him because of this problem. Besides, who will rescue you out of this mess?"

"Abba, Father."

"Funmilola Olanrewaju, God has been with you for so long. When your father hated and mistreated you, He showed you His love through revelation when you surrendered your life to Him as a young girl. The ideas to create wealth and the heart to love others, it is the Lord who gave them to you. He has promised my baby that He will never leave nor forsake you. I want you to take Him at His Word and believe He will make a way out. Things might get worse, but you know God work everything together for good for those who love Him. Darling child, love the Lord. Love Him even in this storm, He will send you divine helpers in these times and you will rejoice in the end. Remember Funmi, those who trust in Him will never be put to shame."

Funmi wiped the tears that fell down her face and hugged her mother.

"I'm so scared Mum. I'm so scared of what people are saying and will continue to say. I'm scared about the donors and shareholders pulling out. What will my babies survive on at the orphanage when our funds run out?"

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