Chapter 17

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-Kaycee's POV-

I have been partner teaching with Sean on a regular for weeks now ever since we got married and boy am I exhausted. Guess what Josh and Tahani are married now and they did the same thing as Bailey private elope but none of have ever went on a honey moon. Until now we planned it all out we are all going to have a honey moon together! We did make a rule no funny business during the trip. Which brings me to where we are going. We are going to Hawaii which brings me to what I'm doing right now packing for all of us! Which is exhausting. "Okay Tati blue or pink swim suit?" I asked her holding up two identical bathing suits. "I don't know probably blue it goes better with my complexion" she said really thinking about it. "Okay then blue it is and your suit case is done Tati" I told her and handed it to her well rolled it I guess. "Why are you packing every ones stuff voluntarily?" Tati asked. "Your in distress aren't you?" she asked me and I nodded. "What happened this time?" she said concerned. "Nothing happened I'm just tired I guess we do three back to back classes every day and don't get me wrong I love it and wouldn't trade it for the world but I'm tired Tat I'm just tired" I told her. "Have you ever considered to stop teaching" she said and I gave her the hardest stare ever. "Not forever just for a while I mean Kayc you do have Anemia it's not entirely good for your body" she told me and I know she was trying to help. "I know you are trying to help but I didn't mean physically tired I meant mentally" I giggle at her. "Oh then this is exactly what you need! You know I love you but I'm helping you pack everyone else's bags" she said and I shake my head no. "There is only one bag left and it's mine and if you really want you to pack you can pack if you really want" I shrug and she nods. "How did you pack every body's stuff it's only seven am?" she asked me and I shrugged. "We leave for the airport at ten so hurry up and pack" I yelled and left the room. "Why are you up so early?" Sean asked me and hugged me. "Stressed" I smiled and tip toed to kiss his cheek. "Terrible let's watch Friends!" he said and tickled me. "Stop please" I managed to choke out. "I will if you let me pick the episodes!" he said with out stopping. "F-fine" I laugh uncontrollably. "Okay good we need the golden Kaycee smile" Sean smiles and sits on the couch and turns on the T.V.

"Thanks Shamu I really needed that" I smiled and checked the time it was nine thirty. "Oh my god we have to leave in thirty minutes!" I yelled so loud the entire house woke up and it was frantic. "Has anyone seen my phone?!" Tahani yelled. "It's in the bathroom!" Josh yelled back. "Has anyone seen my hairbrush!" I scream and a hairbrush comes flying at me. "I needed to borrow it!" Tati yelled and I laughed at all of our behavior. "Does anyone have my wallet?!" Sean panicked. "Check you backpack!" I screamed at him. "Found it thanks!" he yelled back to me. "Is anyone going to make breakfast?" Gabe chill as a cucumber. We all turned to him and gave him a hard very hard death stare. "Alright I guess we will just pick something up at the airport" he nodded and went to wait by the door. "Low key proud of him for taking the hint" Tati said as she dragged her bag down the stairs. "It's not fair that Kaycee doesn't have to carry her bag!" Josh whined like a girl. "Mr. Lew over there wouldn't let me" I say. "Time check?" Sean asked and I pulled out my phone. "Nine fifty five! Get in the car!" I yelled and hoped in the front seat while everyone looked scared out of their life for me to drive to the airport "Oh you will be fine" I rolled my eyes and took off.

"Is it physically possible to get worse at driving?!" Gabe said as he got out of the car. "Hey it wasn't that bad" I whine. "Kayc it was" Tati said while practically hugging the floor. "You drove like ninety miles an hour!" Josh screamed at me. "I never went over seventy" I rolled my eyes once more. "Kayc you are amazing and lot's of things but driving isn't one of them" Tahani gasped as she got out of the car. "Whatever I can't be little miss perfect all the time okay!" I snapped at them. "Woah Kayc it's alright calm down" Josh said. "I'm sorry I can't be perfect for you guys all the time I'm sorry I found a way to actually get us here on time and I'm sorry that you guys all think I'm a terrible driver!" I screamed on last time before running into the airport.

-Sean's POV-

"Woah what happened while I was grabbing the last couple of bags" I asked my very hurt looking group of friends. "Kaycee kind of went off on us" Tati laughed nervously. "That's not like her what happened" I asked them very seriously. "Well we just kind of told her she was a terrible driver multiple times and then she said she's sorry she can't always be our little miss perfect" Josh explained to me. "Phone one of you" I demanded them and Tati handed me her phone. "What are you doing anyway?" Tati asked me curiously. "Well last time she snapped at me like that it was because she had been getting hate like a lot of hate" I said while scrolling through her phone. "Gosh we need to find her now!" I yelled and ran into the airport. "Kayc!! Kaycee!! Kaycee Rice!!" I yelled until I saw a small figure in the corner. "Kayc!" I ran up to her. "Why didn't you tell us?" I asked her and hugged her. "I-it w-wa-s ju-s-t -to -m-mu-ch-h" she kept hiccupping and could barley speak a sentence which broke my heart. "Kayc your worth everything you have do you trust me?" I asked her and she nodded. "Good cause if you didn't how bad would it be to not trust your husband? Huh?" I asked her and she giggled. "There is that smile I love" I told her and motioned for her to hop on my back so that we can head to the gate.

-Kaycee's POV-

"Oh my god Kayc! Are you okay! We are so sorry!!" Tati screamed and hugged me. "I'm okay I promise" I giggled. "We missed the smiley girly!" Tahani hugged me as well. "Were sorry we offended you" Josh weakly smiled at me. "It's okay I'm fine I promise" I giggle. "What are we going to eat! I'm starving" Gabe groans and rolled on his luggage to us. "Why don't we have Chipotle it's right there" I said pointing so a sign that said Chipotle. "Sure why not?" everyone said in unison. "Last call for flight 789 to Honolulu, Hawaii Last call" the speaker rang in front of us. "Scrape that let's catch our flight" Gabe laughed and made the way to the gate. I made my way back to my assign seat where I saw Tahani and Sean in the middle which meant I was in the isle seat! "Oh god no I have to be stuck between you two!!" Sean whined like a puppy. "Oh you will be fine" I said and settled in my seat. The plane took off and I was bored out of my mind. "Kayc go to sleep you cried a lot today" Sean whispered to me. "Fine" I gave in since I had nothing else to do. "Goodnight angel" he said and kissed my forehead. The last thing I remember was falling asleep.

W/C- 1353

A/N- this one was a bit like a smidge longer than the past ones. I'm on like a one chapter a day kind of thing right now maybe I'll get a second one today?! Maybe I'm not sure yet. Okay remember to stay WEIRD and find your inner LEWSER!

-Faith :)

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