Chapter 7

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-Kaycee's POV-

I woke up laying on the couch to my surprise all my friends are gone. "Morinin Kayc" "Morinin Shamu" I mumble. "Where is everyone Bailey and Ken?" I ask. "They went to the grocery store to buy you some ice cream" Sean replies. I nod and head up to the shower. Periods suck let me just tell you that. But luckily for me mine never really last that long so it should be done by tomorrow. I shower and realize I have to go back into Sean's room and grab my cloths from his drawer, nothing I haven't done before. I made my way and grabbed one of my LEWSER sweatshirts and some leggings. "Kayc I see you are still stealing my sweatshirts." Sean laughs "Shut up Lew it ain't like you aren't wearing my Weirdo beanie." Sean puts his hand up in a surrender position and I just laugh. "We're back!" Bailey screams. "Hey guys" I say and Sean just waves. "Sean the Lew is cooking" I say. "When Kaycee like a man who can cook" Ken adds. Me and Sean both turn red like tomatoes.  "C'mon guys school starts in an hour" Sean mumbles and we all just nod. 

-Skip to School-

It wasn't our first day back to school but it was the first day back to school as friends which to me was a big deal especially since I didn't have my gym cloths since I spent the night at Sean's house but Bailey being smart had it in her dance bag. I'm stupid. Basically gym was our first period for all of us since we all finished high school already but didn't feel like graduating early so we have gym first then dance for the next four periods then free period. So us having gym first period meant that we can't get loaner cloths. I remembered that Tahani my other friend that I have known since we were tater tots. I ask her for a spare set of cloths and she hands me a jersey and I just shrug and put it on. You can barley see my dance shorts underneath the jersey with the number 13 on it. I walk out and with Bailey, Tahani, and Tati our girl group when the boys approach us. "Rice how did you get my jersey?" Sean asks. "TAHANI ANDERSON YOU GAVE ME SEAN FUCKING LEW'S JERSEY AND TOLD ME IT WAS YOURS" I scream. "Kayc chill it's my extra Sean always gives me his old ones when he doesn't use them but unlike you I never forget my cloths so you can just keep it" Tahani explains. I just sigh and we went to choose our free sport which we get to do every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The gang decided that girls would choose this week the boys choose next week and so on. We decided that we would do JoJo's type of choreo and torcher the boys. We start with streching. JoJo was our teacher for today which meant nothing super bendy which was good since my period but I was light today so no harm either way. "Everybody listen up I want middle splits for 10 minutes then right and left for 5 minutes each and then over splits." Everyone nodded we weren't a big school so it was only the 8 of us in JoJo's class. "I haven't done my middle splits in years" I groan "While everyone else has been practicing all bendy stuff" I huff out. "Kayc I'm sure your fine none of are perfectly down anyway" Tati adds and everyone else agrees. We all slide down and surprisingly I was able to go all the way down and it didn't hurt. "Kaycee Frickin Rice you were worried about this and your the only one all the way down!" Bailey screams.  "Okay I'm sorry I'm just as shocked as the rest of you" I say simply. "Now I want chocolate" I mumble.  "I got you Kayc" Sean smiled cheekily. "Shamu your a life saver" I grin "SWITCH" JoJo yells. We all did right leg since all of us are righty's. "I feel the burn now" Gabe screams. "Shut up Gabe it's not even that bad" Tati explains. "SWITCH" We all switch and finish all of splits and we start doing some back stuff and then we dance! "I want Tati and Gabe please" JoJo says.

A/N- Lets pretend that was more bendy

They killed it like actually killed it. Which me made me even more nervous for me and Sean's turn. "Next I want Bailey and Ken please!" 

Honestly they were better the Gabe and Tati which made me even more worried and when I get worried it's plain out obvious. I'm pretty sure everyone noticed so JoJo told me to get a breather outside but I nodded my head no and she called up Tahani and Josh.

A/N- Pretend it's a duet and more bendy k?

They did okay but it wasn't as good as Tati and Gabe's "lastly I need Kaycee and Sean" JoJo announced I deiced to make the best of it and we went up nervous as hell. "Kayc breathe and have fun" Sean whispered to me.


A/n- Thanks for reading this garbage this far through love you all for anyone who is still here.

Never Imagined-  SeayceeWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu