Chapter 13

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-Kaycee's POV 7 Years Later-

I'm still Kaycee Rice yep still Kaycee Caitlin Rice. I live with KayHanAti in an apartment now and the boys live across the hall yep still not living a mile away from Sean. It's been a total of seven years since that moment Sean and I were locked in my room and seven years since we confessed our feelings and life has been great. Tati and Gabe are engaged!! AND I'M MAID OF HONOR honestly though being Maid of Honor is hard work dress appointments and all that jazz. "We are here for breakfast humble peasants!" Josh said as he walked into the apartment. "Not humble peasants and I didn't cook but if you say that again I will cook and you will be the only one eating it!" I yelled at him. "Kaycee such the mom of the group" Gabe said as he went to kiss his fiancé on the cheek. "AHOAHGASDGHAOGH MY GATI HEART" Sean and I yelled in sync. "Sean you know I love you but that inner fan girl of yours" I laugh pat him on the chest and walk away leaving our friends stunned. "Did she" "Just say" That she" "Loves him!" are friends said finishing each others statements. "I say it all the time guys I love Sean, Josh , and Gabe as brothers!" I yelled and went to change. I changed into a small grey off the shoulder romper and head back out into the kitchen and sat down to eat. "Mmmm Tati is definitely the best girl cook" I groan and take another five bite. "What's on the agenda for today?" Sean asked since he is the best man. "Well we have mine and Kaycee's dress fitting at the same time as the Sean and Gabe's tux fitting" Tati said and I nodded in agreement. "Then let's get going" I said took another bite and grabbed my keys and headed out.

Surprising dress shoping went quickly for Tati the first two she cried after the first two and balled on the thrid one so that's the one and then it was my turn. "Tati can't I just wear a pants suit it would look equally as nice" I whine as she drags me from dress to dress. "The wedding theme is pink and white and so you're wearing a pink dress!" She yells at me and we see the boys. "Okay you two for my wedding should Kaycee be in a pink dress or a pantsuit!" Tati asks them and I groan. "Pantsuit" They both say and I smile. "Well to bad it's my wedding! Not any of yours!" She gets angry and pulls me away. "Save me" I mouth and Sean just laughs and follows us. "Sit and I'll grab dresses" Tati demanded so I sat and Sean sat next to me. "What happened to Gabe?" I asked him. "OoO Ricebowl do you have a crush on Gabe?" Sean asked me and nudged my shoulder. "Okay no gross and he's marrying my best friend just hoping he was around to talk some sense into her" I shrug and nudge him back. "Good I was getting worried for a second" He jokes and we get quiet as we see Tati come with four dresses.

"No to dress one and three two and four are okay I guess?" I said unsure of myself. "I personally like two because when you blush it compliments you well and well you well you almost cried when you put it on" Tati said as she looked at me holding all four dresses. "Well you aren't wrong so dress two" I said firmly and handed her all four dresses. "Good now leave and go help the boys deiced where to eat" She said and pushed me out of the dressing room. "I think we should have McDonalds!" Gabe said while Sean was nodding his head in disagreement. "No we should take them somewhere we could sit in!" Sean argued and I laughed and deiced to interrupt. "Why don't we go to some Italian place?" I suggest since it's Tati's favortie. "Fine" Gabe said in defeat knowing Tati would kill him. I exchange a look with Sean and he smiles. "Okay I'm done but so Kayc they said that that dress is well um it's complicated it's yours of course but well it doesn't belong to this store so um it was free?" Tati said. "Um well okay?" I said and we left the store.

"Okay so we have two pasta's and one small pizza" Gabe said as we ordered and we all nodded. "Kaycee what are you going to eat you have to take the pill?" Tati asked me concerned. "I'm sharing pasta with Sean" I told her and her expression stayed concerned. "I'm fine Tati I promise we haven't had an incident since well you know" I trailed off and our food came saved by the waitress. "Okay so we have dress and tuxes done so next is flower arrangements then we have to at least start writing vows then we have to pick who's giving speeches if anyone at all then we call it a day" I said. "You got it Ms. Wedding Planner" Gabe smirked and I smacked him. "I'm not the wedding planner you aren't paying me!" I yell and hit him again. "She's right though we aren't paying her but we don't have it in the budget so let's eat and hurry to go to the florist" Tati said and we all finished eating and I had to take my pill. "Shamu it's Wednesday I need my Wednesday pill" I ask him and stick my hand out. "You got it Ricebowl" He said and reached into his backpack with my pill case in it and he hands me two pills. "Thanks Shamu" I said and took the pills from his hand. "I still don't understand why Sean keeps your pills" Gabe said and just shrugged. "I never go anywhere without him and he carries all my stuff see" I said as I handed him the backpack with tampons and all that stuff. "First girl I have ever seen not have a purse" Gabe said and handed me back Sean's backpack. "I have been trying to get her to carry one for years Gabe" Tati groans and we all split the bill.

"Okay so you can have a total of five flowers in the arrangement and your theme is pink and white so keep that in mind" I reminded the happy couple. "We get it Kaycee" Tati laughed and walked away to go pick out her flowers. "Are you really letting her pick all of them?" I giggled and turned to Gabe. "Actually yes I personally hate flowers" He snickers and walks away too. "He is way to chill he's hiding something!" Sean yelled mildly loudly. "Sean whatever it is we are not apart of it so please don't try to get involved" I pated his chest and sat down next to him. "Sometimes I wonder if your the boyfriend of this or not" he asks me. "I'm the Miya and you're the Laura" I said and laughed. "Obviously" Sean said and flipped his hair and I laughed. "Kaycee I need your help!!" Tati shrieked at the top of her lungs. "What's up Tat?" I walked up to her. "I have pink peony, white roses, white roses, pink tulips, and I need one more." She said as she showed me her arrangement so far. "What about lilies?" I asked her and her face lit up and she screamed that it was perfect. "I can't believe you're getting married in three days and here we are still picking out your flower arrangements" I groan and follow her. "Believe it sister!" Tati laughed and we re did the arrangement till we were all completely satisfied and I'm a perfectionist so it took a while.

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A/N- Filler chapter next one come out soon it's the wedding teehee I cant wait for yall to see it!!! Love you guys! BYE!!

-Faith :)

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