Chapter 5

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-Kaycee's POV-

God I can't believe I told Sean I would be alright with him coming over for the first time in 3 years! My mom I don't know what she's gonna think. But I mean we don't know the full story, Oh shoot my sister will be even madder. Earth to Kaycee Caitlin Rice! Bailey said trying to get my attention. Hmm yeah sorry what Bailey? I was just going to say she started. Instead of going to your house we could go to Sean's  since my Mom and Dad took my car earlier and Sean's parents aren't home. We all agreed and we headed to Sean's car. I call aux I yell! God Kaycee never changed Sean laughs. Haha I say lets go. Where's the aux cord? Same place it's always been he says. I smile maybe it's good he's back in my life. No Kaycee you sound crazy he left you remember not the the other way around. Kaycee? You good? I'm fine Sean thanks though. I scroll through my phone till I find a song that captures my mood. Circle by Post Malone. Perfect I thought. Umm Kayc perfect for what Ken asks. Shoot just thinking out loud again sorry guys I say. We sat in silence. I quickly grab my phone and change the song on the radio to Silence by Marshmallow. I soon realize what I just did and I stare at Sean and he's starring back? Suddenly the car in front of us comes to a stop and I yell Lew focus on the road!! Sorry he said. All of a sudden we all start laughing. Were here he says. Before we even knock on the door Serris is there. All movement it stopped for a second cause I'm pretty sure we were all shocked even Sean. OH MY GOD IS THAT KAYCEE FRICKIN RICE she yells. Yeah it's me Serris I say while half laughing. Come on in guys she replies back. I'm hungry I say thinking out loud once again. Same Bailey and Ken say at the same time. Shoot I said that aloud again huh? I ask. They all nod even Sarah which I didn't even notice came down. Sorry I laugh. It's fine Sarah says. Well me and Serris are going out don't make dumb decisions children she continues. Really Sarah Sean whines like a baby. Yes Serris says we will be back by 9. K I say bye!! I tell them. They say bye and are about to leave. Wait! Serris says. Yeah Sean asks. It's good to have Kaycee back as much as it's been nice without all the screaming at your two sleepovers we missed you Kayc and your toothbrush is still in the bathroom. I missed you too Serris. K bye now!! She screams. So food? Sean asks. We all nod. 

-Sean's POV-

Well I guess I'll cook then! I say. YAY!! CHOPPED JR CHOPPED JR CHOPPED JR Kaycee yells. Wow she still remembers. Thinkin out loud now Lew? Guessed I rubbed off on you she giggles. Whatever I say back. Now what should we have? I ask. PINK PASTA Kaycee yells again. Sure why not I say. Kayc do you remember how to help me? I ask her. She nods. Then get your butt up and help. She groans fineeee but I get steamed milk tonight then. I nod and she goes to the counter and grabs the pasta from the pantry and the sauce from the other pantry. She grumbles I still don't understand why it's pink! I laugh Kayc you're not supposed to know that's why. Buttt I wannaaa knowwwww she says. One day Kayc. Fine Shamu she grumbles. Oh wait sorry she quickly says. Kayc it's fine little ricebowl. She smiles and I smile back. Is it weird that Ken and Bailey have been quiet for a long time I ask her. She nods. Hey guys are you okay she asks.  No we aren't Ken replies. Why I ask. You guys have had sleepover the two of you and Kaycee has a toothbrush here!! Bailey said. Yeah so Kaycee says I also have some cloths here too. Then it was Ken's turn. Wait is that the reason I couldn't keep my cloths in your extra drawer cause it has Kaycee's cloths! Yeah I say. What the actual heck they both say. Honestly guys it's not a big deal we say. Yeah for you two Bailey says.

-Kaycee's POV-

Shamu is the food done yet? I ask. No he says remember it needs to back for an hour he tells me. I nod. Why don't we go swimming I say. Everyone nods. Kayc your stuff is still in my drawer try to find something that fits and Bailey you have swim stuff in your bag since Kaycee also has a pool and you too Ken Sean says. We all nod and do what we needed to do and get in the pool. We put a playlist on shuffle before we got in and Can I Be Him by James Arthur came on and memories starting coming back and before we knew it Sean and I were doing our WOD routine after 3 years and little did we know Bailey was recording the whole thing on an Instagram live.


A/N- Sorry it's short but I wanted to update this book cause I'm in love with writing these stories. Love you alllll thanks for all the reads byeee

-Faith :)

Never Imagined-  SeayceeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin