Chapter 4

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-Kaycee's POV-

Hey! My name is Kaycee Rice. I'm 17 and I am a professional dancer. I have dance partner named Sean but we haven't spoke in 3 years! All my partnerships seem to fail at some point, like seriously all of them. Anyways I am still super close to Bailey and Ken but I am definitely closer to Bailey but you know how it goes girls and girls. If you are wondering what happened to me and Sean, that's complicated we ended up being best friends then we split up after we did WOD cause he needed to go on a tour with someone for 3 months and I wasn't part of the group. He promised me face times everyday but they never came so we lost contact. I mean I have seen him in classes now and then but we don't even say hi to each other anymore. Bailey is picking me up in an hour for JoJo's class. JoJo is almost like my mom she knows what's good for me at the right time so I love taking her classes. I decided while I wait for Bailey to pick me up I decided to do some thing I haven't done in years.Freestyle. Not my happiest thing in the world to do, it just brings back memories I don't think I'm ready to revisit yet. My door bell rings and I already knew who it was. Hey Bail I say, Hey Kayc you ready she ask me and I just reply with a nod. The car ride was more or less the same. Silence just us occasionally humming to the music. We made it to the studio where we saw Ken waiting for us as always in his same position. Hey girls! he said. Hey Ken. Hello Kenneth Bailey said. We practically all start laughing our eyes out and we walk into class. While we were walking into class somebody bumped into me really hard I might add. Oh- I'm so sorry I say not looking up the person says No I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and- I knew that voice like the back of my hand and he knew mine. Kayc? I gulp loud enough for the whole class to hear. Hey Sean I simply reply. I'm sorry for bumping into you I say and I walk away I wasn't ready to face him yet. Those were the first words we said to each other in 3 years. JoJo's class was great as usual, we danced to the song Bad At Love By Halsey which was perfect for how I was feeling at the moment. She was calling up random people and yeah. She called Bailey for a solo then Ken for a solo then Tati and Gabe for a duet. Then JoJo looked directly at me. Can I have Kaycee Rice please and Sean Lew she said. I gave her the hardest death stare ever. We ended up doing okay I guess for not dancing together in 3 years.

-Sean's POV-

This morning I was running kind of late to JoJo's class and so I was running in when I bumped into the one and only Kaycee Rice. If you are thinking it was awkward you are more then wrong. It was horrifyingly awkward. I just had to bump into my best friend, dance partner, and my world that I left behind 3 years ago. I told her I was sorry and I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and she ran away. Not gonna lie but it was probably more awkward for her then for me. At the end of class she was called up to dance and of course JoJo just had to throw in me too. Great! Nothing better then dancing with your dance partner you left with no explanation for the first time in 3 years by JoJo Gomez. It went okay I guess cause we gave each other a fist bump at the end. Our first encounter in years. I went to talk to Ken after class since he was the only one of the group I still had contact with. Then Bailey and Kaycee came over. Uh I should go I say. Sean Kaycee stops me. It's been three years lewser I think we are good to see each other again. Okay then weirdo let's go. GUYS STOP CALLING EACH OTHER MEAN NAMES Bailey literally screamed. Bails I started they are not mean names they are nicknames. Yeah Bails don't worry Kaycee finished and giggles. God her giggles are still my favorite thing in the world.

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A/N- this book is getting worse and worse by the moments sorry guys I'm trying really but with corona virus out my parents are freaking out and my friend Aden is being extra protective lol any way thanks for the support love yall hopefully the next chapter is out soon.

-Faith :)

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