Chapter 29

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Rex pov

"Could you track it?" I asked looking at him hopefully. Echo nodded his head yes. I smiled. "Where is he" I asked. "Onderon, some droid base. It's still active though" echo said. I started flying. Echo sat down in the copilot seat.

Morai stepped onto his head and echo stayed still. "So rexy boy, when are you gonna put a ring on it" Echo asked smirking at me. "I uh idk. Soon" I said keeping my eyes on the space In front of me. He nodded.

"So Watcha gonna do to Lux" he asked. "Idk, pain definitely. Kill most likely" I said angrily. "Really kill" echo said in disbelief. "Well, he tried to rape ahsoka and now he has kidnapped her and torturing her. He also knows we're not dead" I said with no expressions. A few moments later I get an incoming call on my com. It's from lux.

Ahsoka pov

I slowly wake up again. I look around and spot lux sitting not to far from me. "You better hope your friends find you soon, cause time is running out, speaking of them, let's give them another call now why don't we" he said smirking at me. I rolled my eyes. I hear him dial them. I wonder what he wants from them. It can't be anything good. I feel myself breathing heavily, I'm freaking out. What if he kills me, or worse, one of them.

I see rexs face pop up on the screen. I calm down a little at the sight of him. "What do you want scum" I hear Rex say angrily. "Just to show you this, you only have a few hours left" lux said smirking. Lux flips the camera so it faces me. Uh oh. I see Rex's gaze sadden. "It's gonna be ok ahsoka, we are gonna get you" he said reassuring me. I see lux press the trigger and the familiar feeling travels through my body. I let out a scream. Everything goes black.

Rex pov

I answer the call and luxs face pops up. "What do you want scum" I said angirly. "Just to show you this, you only have a few hours left" lux said before turning the camera around. I look and see ahsoka. This time she was awake. That scum is gonna pay.

"It's gonna be ok ahsoka, we are gonna get you" i said reassuring her. I see lux press the trigger. She lets out a scream. I cringe. She blacks out. I hang up. I look up and see Onderon coming into veiw. "Echo go see if you can find the location of that droid base" I said clicking a few buttons getting ready for a landing. Echo left the rooms and Morai followed. After they leave I get up and punch a wall. I should have gone with her. I should have known he would have done something.

I go back and sit at the seat.

Time skip to landing the ship

I land the ship. I get out the cock pit and walk to the boys. "Ok, hevy, you stay protect the ship" I said. He nodded. I take my guns out of my holster we run out the ship. There are no droids.

"Echo, I thought this droid base was active" I asked putting my pistols away. "I thought It was, maybe lux is running something in there" he said looking at the building strange. "Remember everyone, lux is mine" I said angirly.

They all nodded. It's weird seeing them so quite, I'm probably scaring them a bit. The only time I've talked to anyone is giving orders.

I walk into the building and everyone follows. "Where could they be" Echo asked. Everyone started talking about possible places. I hear a faint scream. "Quite" I said. And they all shut up.

I hear the scream again. I look at everyone and they have worried faces. We all run off the sound.

Ahsoka pov

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