07. Complex

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Sluts Have Feelings |Seven|

Complex: adjective 1 Consisting of many different and connected parts 2 Not easy to analyze or understand; complicated or intricate, ORIGIN mid 17th century

Waking up shitfaced is one of the best, and worst, feelings in the world. Your whole body is sore from the wild night before, and you feel as if you haven't slept a wink. I live for these nights.

#4's body was wrapped around mine as I slowly became awake, feeling as if my eyes closed five seconds ago. My head pounded like I had my own personal drummer residing up there. I really wanted to tell him to fuck off, but I knew I would just come across as crazy.

I groaned as I peeled clammy skin away from mine and stood up next to the bed. My thighs were sore which was a sensation I hadn't had in a while. I guess I could say that drunk me had hella good taste. I grabbed a gray dress shirt lying on the floor and buttoned it up. As I wobbled to the bathroom, I felt like a fucking penguin. I really have to give that guy some props. He liked it rough same as me.

Asher doesn't like it rough. He tries to be as gentle as possible even when I beg him for more. I don't think he's ever had rough sex. I'll have to show him that next time I feel like sleeping with him.

My mind then realized what happened last night as I searched for the bathroom. I was reminded of the propelling feeling towards him that came out of no where. I wasn't sure what feeling was being expressed, but it made me clammy just thinking about it and my heart start pounding. My feelings were like a slap in the face. All Ash was was a sex partner/best friend. Nothing more, nothing less. But now I had weird feelings around him.

I shook my head as I finally found the bathroom. I probably wasn't going to sleep with Asher for a while. I needed to stay away to let these unknown feelings fade.

As I looked in the mirror, I laughed at the reflection. My hair was like a rat's nest, all tangled and going each and every way. My lips were still swollen from the night before. Makeup was everywhere, smeared across my face. And little purple bruises peppered up and down my neck. I grinned as memories of last night flooded through my head again, but instead of Asher these were of the crazy sex that happened last night.

I found a washcloth and attempted to wash my face before giving up and hopping into the shower. I showered quickly because I wanted to be out of John Doe #4's house before he woke up.


Heading into school was normal. There was the mad rush after the flash of my green and grey uniform walked across the courtyard before the doors graciously opened for me. I smiled at the nerds as I headed towards my locker. This was like a repeat of yesterday, but instead of Ash cheerfully standing next to my already opened locker, he looked completely frazzled with his hair going in every which direction and he was wearing sunglasses, like me, to cover up his bloodshot eyes. My heart started pounding in my chest as soon as I caught sight of him which startled me, before I painted a smile on my heavily made up face.

"Good morning, rebel," I sang chirpily as I grabbed my Calculus book. Today, I didn't have to tilt my head back as much to see his face because I was still wearing my heels that I went clubbing in last night. It was nice being about the same height as him.

He groaned, "Why do you sound so energetic?"

"Maybe because I'm used to being hung over, and I love it."

He shook his head smiling his dimpled smile, "You are so weird. It's, like, not even affecting you." He gripped his head (no, not like that you pervs) with his large hands, "I feel like I'm going to die. Or at least about to get run over by a marching band."

I placed my hand on his bicep and squeezed,"That's because you're not used to clubbing, hun. It gets better, I promise." I raised my hand up a little higher to try and flatten the curls, but they refused to be tamed. I shrugged and dropped my hand resisting the urge to continue running my hands through his hair. It turned me on way too much.

We made our way to first period as Ash grumbled over his hangover. The walls parted for us, but I was ready at any time to ream someone's ass for getting in my way. Honestly, I've been letting my reputation get away from me. I really should tell someone off soon. Brittany will probably end up pissing me off at lunch. If she does something, I'm going to cause a scene. I really can't wait.

Calculus was boring as fuck. We had a sub today, so we just sat in groups talking and playing on our phones. I spent the period shopping for some new heels because a girl can never have too many shoes. Asher slept the whole class period because he was hung over and couldn't deal with life. I could hear him groaning in his sleep from two aisles away. It was funny.

During second period, we got partner time which was basically just another free period. Regina pushed her desk, the one she yelled at some nerd for, up against mine and we discussed last night. Regina had this look about her that told me she was dying to tell me something.

I propped my elbows up on the desk and leaned forward, "What?"

She took a deep breath, excited that I had given her permission to speak. "Last night after you left with that sexy mofo, props for that," I laughed before she continued. "It was just Ash and I. He got really drunk, and so I decided not to drink anymore so I could keep an eye on him. Your welcome. After another hour or so, I lost sight of him. So I start panicking because I knew you didn't want him to do anything he'd regret. I ended up finding him by the door about to leave." She stopped, and I raised my brows. "This bitch had her tongue down his throat," she said slowly as if gauging my reaction.


"Well, she was about to take him home."

"What?!" I practically spit the word out, and Regina leaned back as if trying to avoid my wrath. I can't believe this. This is his first time fucking clubbing! If Regina didn't stop him, I'm going to seriously harm her. "Did you stop them?"

"Hell yeah! What kind of friend would I be if I let him go home with her? I told the bitch to fuck off and find some other fuck buddy that was available, and she got real pissy. So we all ended up getting kicked out of the club after a fight broke out."

I was seeing red, but I knew deep down I had no right to. Asher and I weren't together, he could be with whom he pleased. It wasn't like I didn't want him to, but I had no say in the matter. But still!! That little bitch. Trying to steal Ash? She probably didn't even know me. I bit back my anger before responding, "Are you okay?"

She chuckled, "Hell yes! That bitch didn't get one hit in. I kicked her ass."


Regina left me alone to my thoughts as I tried to calm myself down. What was Asher thinking? He was probably drunk out of his mind! I should not have left. What kind of friend leaves someone at a club their first time clubbing? It's wrong in all morals, including a sluts. I'm just happy nothing happened.

I know I have no right to to stop him from leaving with some bitch, but I care more than I should. This issue runs deeper than friendship. I don't care if my other main bitches leave with some dude unless they're drunk out of their minds. Then, I'll step in and put a stop to the damage before it occurs. That's it though. If I would've done something to Ash and he wasn't shit-faced, I would have to admit my feelings for him. Which is something I will never do. I don't even understand them myself.

Why is everything so fucking complex?

So this will probably be the last time this story is updated before the new year. My school gets out tomorrow which means I probably won't be going to the library which, in sense, means no internet. I will be writing like crazy because I'm just going to be sitting at home, I just don't think I'll be able to update :(

If I don't see you again til 2015, Happy Holidays! Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah (I saw that it started today). Happy New Year!! I hope yall have a great end to 2014.

This will probably be updated after January 5th, idk if that's a Wednesday, but I should update the next Wednesday after that. I'm keeping up #slutshatewednesdays

Until next year my bitches! Be as slutty as you want!

-Kayla :*

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