03. Confidence

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Sluts Have Feelings |Three|

Confidence: noun, 1 full trust; belief in the powers, trustworthiness, or reliability of a person or thing. 2 belief in oneself and one's powers or abilities; self-confidence; self-reliance; assurance. ORIGIN Middle English

I twirled a lollipop in my mouth as I took my time walking up the steps leading to the giant hellhole they like to call school. The skirt of my uniform was hiked up to where it hardly covered my ass. Also, I wasn't wearing any underwear. Walking up the stairs in a mini skirt is something a lot of boys want to see. As I passed, I could see a mad rush as half of the boys population ran up to be behind me. There was a lot of shoving until dominance was shown. I smiled as I sucked my lollipop.

Boys and ass are like wild dogs fighting over meat. It could be deadly. That's why quite a few boys are knocked to the ground as others quickly take their place. I smirk to myself as I enter the main doors of Wildwood High. The doors just seem to open for me as I pass. Thanks nerds. I wink at one of the boys holding open the large glass doors as I pass and laugh as his face heats up. I love what I can do to people.

The halls seem to part like I'm Moses, isn't that the bible dudes name? Anyways, people rushed to the ugly green lockers on both sides of the hall and pressed flat up against them. I think people are scared of me or something. Either it's me or it's the green and gray cheerleading uniform I have on. Let's be real here, it's just me. I chuckle quietly at my own joke. Yes, sluts laugh at their own jokes.

I head towards my own personalized locker decorated with galaxy wallpaper and photos of me and my bitches to find it already open and a tall, muscular brunette standing next to it. He was trying to lean on the door, but seemed to forget that it was still open as he almost falls face first onto the floor. I giggle quietly as his cheeks turn a faint pink.

Grabbing my Calculus book for first period I decided to talk to him. "Hey Asher," I say with my trademark smile that can get me anything. I only use it when I want something.

His face seemed surprised that I actually remembered his name, but he quickly got over it and smiled his big dimpled smile. He had dimples so deep I wanted to poke them half the time we were fucking. "Hi Milla!" He was excited to see me. I mean, who wouldn't be?

I smiled at him as I closed my locker door and started walking down the hallway. He quickly followed behind me like a loyal puppy. Asher was one of my bitches. No, he wasn't a slut; I just kept him around because he was good in bed. Also, he was always there for me. He was a major dork, but I liked him. Not like as in love, but like as in a friend.

I had my claws sunk into Asher, and nobody else can have him. He doesn't seen to mind that I've screwed pretty much every guy down this hallway, but he's so innocent he might not even know. He doesn't act like he knows I'm a slut. I don't know how you couldn't know, but this is Asher we're talking about. He's always off in his own little world. Also, I love his innocence. I'm the only girl he's ever fucked, or in his words "made love to," and it's going to stay that way. Asher is the only guy I've kept around to screw. Half of the guys I screw, I don't even know their names. Asher is special. And that scares me.

"What's up, sugar?" I asked my voice dripping with sweetness. This was like with Nichol, but I wasn't being fake with him. This wasn't fake at all. I cared about what Asher had to say, and I wasn't trying to be a bitch. It's just how I am.

"Nothing much," he smiles again but not big enough to show his dimples. I loved to see his dimples. They were adorable. "I aced my physics test."

Ugh, why did he want to talk about school work? That's so boring. I mean why the hell would someone voluntarily talk about school work if they weren't forced to. I never would even if someone held a knife to my throat. I begrudgingly smiled knowing I wanted to continue talking to him, "That's great Ash."

I don't know what it is with this boy, but I want to please him. I want to make him happy all the time, and if that includes talking about hell (school) than by God I will do it! I sound fucking crazy. What the fuck is wrong with me? He's just a boy! No, he's a man! Why am I talking to myself? Shaking my head, I realized I tuned out of the conversation and try to start listening again.

Asher was staring at me expectantly, "Umm...What?"

He giggled, and I mean like girls do giggled but his sounded manly, while showing off his dimples. "I asked if you wanted to come over so we could study for our Calculus test Friday." Yes! I mentally fist pumped in my mind. I didn't even have to ask him out. I'll talk about school if it means I get to sleep with this nerd....again.

I put on my 'I'm about to get what I want' smile and place my left hand on his large bicep, "Of course babe. As long as we do a little of the extra credit, if ya know what I mean." My voice got deeper and sexier as I winked. You could practically hear the confidence oozing out of my mouth.

It was sickening. I get why some people hate sluts so much. We do anything to get what we want. And we know just how to do it. Maybe that's why people hate us. We know how to get what they want and they don't. Either way, they're jealous.

Asher's face turned a bright pink and I knew he understood what I was suggesting. He's such a dork. He, like half the school, was probably wondering why he's the only man I've slept with multiple times. It doesn't add up to most people. Hell, it doesn't even add up to me.

"We half to study first." Asher tried to say seriously.

I rolled my eyes, playfully. "Maybe." I smirked as I watched his face flush an even deeper shade of red. He was embarrassed. I started to walk away, but was confused to why Ash was still following me.

I spun on my heels to were my face was met with his chest. I backed up a few baby steps, but still kept close enough to be in his personal space. "Why are you following me?"

He rolled his eyes and smiled that dimpled smile. "We're in the same class, Milla. I seriously just asked you if you wanted to study for our Calculus test, which we have first period."

"Oh." I was embarrassed but didn't let it show. "Well then, let us go." I grabbed a hold of his bicep and started strutting down the hallway. I knew all eyes were on us, and I liked it that way.

That's confidence, bitch.

So now you've met Asher! He's one of my favorite characters by far. And no Asher and Milla are not going to get together. THIS IS NOT A LOVE STORY, THIS IS A SLUT STORY. HAHAHAHAH!

But sorry it's been so long for an update. I've been lazy :) but here it is. I hoped it was worth the wait! Also, I rewrote chapter 2 bc I didn't like it and I renamed all of the titles.

Pic on the side tho lololol

Thanks bitches! (nr calling you bitches bc dont want to offend anyone:))

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