12. Inconspicuous

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Sluts Have Feelings |Twelve|

Inconspicuous: adjective 1 not clearly visible or attracting attention 2 not conspicuous ORIGIN early 17th century

Camilla Lau Brooks.

Being inconspicuous was not exactly my cup of tea.

Here I was standing on the edge of the parking lot in a pair of black leggings with a white stripe down the side, knee high black boots with a three inch heel, a plain white long-sleeve shirt with a faux leather vest over it. The hood on my vest covered my blood hair, and a pair of Gucci sunglasses perched on my nose. I took the whole spy thing seriously.

It was raining, so I was trying to look casual by huddling under a tree. If someone like a teacher caught me on campus, I could go to jail which I was so not doing. This bitch would not look good in an orange jumpsuit.

I spot a familiar gray truck and knew Michael was here. Michael was one of Asher's friends, but he was crazy in love with me. I never fucked him since he was so close to Ash, but he was kind of good looking. His nose was a bit too big for his face, and he was very sensitive so I didn't feel like fooling around with him. I'm not that much of a heartless bitch that I ruin people's lives forever; I pay attention to that kind of shit and avoid sleeping with fragile/crazy people. I know, I'm a saint.

I spotted Michael's red hair as he climbed out of the truck and quickly hurried over to him. It was hard to run across a slick parking lot in heels, and I prayed that I didn't get hit by one of these god-awful drivers. That would definitely make my day.

Once I got close enough to Michael and some other kid whose name I did not know, I leaned down and hissed, "Michael!"

The dumb boy looked around for awhile before his green eyes finally set on me. I gestured him to come closer and after calling him a dumb ass he did.

Michael trotted towards me with a confused look on his pale face, "Milla?"

"Well, no shit," I applauded him.

Michael gave me a funny look before waiving off his friend that was waiting behind him. He took me by the elbow and led me back underneath the tree I was previously under. "Aren't you suspended?"


"Well, why are you here?"

"Maybe it's because I needed to talk to you, dummy," I rolled my eyes beneath the sunglasses. Honestly, why must people act so dumb?

His mouth opened, then closed before opening again. It reminded me of a fish. "You know my name?"

Oh, so that's why he was acting like that. Now I knew how to play my cards. Flashing the red head my famous smile, I placed a hand on his bicep, "Of course I do, hun."

His orbs latched onto my slender hand that was currently wrapped around him. "...That's... um amazing..." He whispered under his breath, but I was close enough to catch it.

I grinned, "So, Mike, may I call you Mike?"

"You can call me anything you want," the tall boy mumbled under his breath.

I took a step forward to where I could feel the body heat radiating off of him. He was surprisingly warm in this chill. "Do you know what's up with Asher?"

"What?" His green eyes met my icy ones.

I sighed, honestly, am I just talking to a puppet? "What," I spoke each word slowly and with precision, "is going on with Asher?"

His eyes clouded over, a sign that told me he knew exactly what I was talking about. He tried to step back but my slender hand wrapped tighter around him, "I don't think Asher wants you to know."

"Why not?" My voice sounded whiny even to me. Get a grip, bitch, scare this fucker.

"Uh," he blew out a puff of air. "Um... all I think I can tell you is that he is going to make you fall in love with him."

What?! My heart decided at that moment to pound rapidly in my chest. I shook my head unsure if I had heard him correctly, "What?"

"Ash... he's going to try and make you fall in love with him. I don't know why though. Shawn and I already told him that you do like him," he rubbed his hand on the back of his neck showing a small tattoo on his wrist.

"What!?" I took a step back almost tripping in my boots. Who the hell is Shawn and how the hell do they know that I might have the teeniest tiniest crush on Asher.

The red head chuckled as I stared at him in shock. "You like Ash."

First thought, denial. "No I don't."

"Yea you do."

I spat the words that were untrue, "No I don't!"

"Then why are you getting so defensive? Gosh girl."

Drops of rainwater started to splatter on my vest since I was away from the cover of the tree. "You know what, fuck you. Have a nice life, Dick. I'll make sure to make it a living hell."

He just shook as head as his hands wrapped around the straps of his Pierce the Veil backpack. Michael walked away without another word leaving me to gape after him. The only thought in my mind was I thought he liked me.

A honk startled me out of my daze, and I realized that I was standing in the middle of the road. Quickly scurrying to the side of the road, I thanked the higher creation that I didn't get ran over. Only idiots stand in the middle of the street.

"Camilla Brooks?" A deep voice caused me to turn to the shed that was on the edge of the campus.

The owner was recognized as a new teacher at Wildwood, but for the life me I couldn't recall his name. "No," I answered dumbly.

"I know it's you," the curly haired teacher started towards me. I debated running, but knew I wouldn't get very far on the slick pavement. "You're not supposed to be here."

Bullshit, Milla. You can't afford to get arrested. "I'm sorry sir. I just wanted to grab my homework I was missing from my friend." The lies came smoothly from my mouth.

"Camilla, you know you are not allowed on campus under suspension. I have no choice but to turn you in. Come with me." His glasses were speckled with rain drops.

I panicked and did the only thing I could think of- I kissed him. He was surprised, but didn't pull back so I kept going. I'll do whatever I can so I don't get in trouble cause I already have a lot of shit going on at the moment.

The teacher didn't pull back, but instead thrust his tongue inside my mouth. I gave him full access as I yanked him close to me. Mr. Teacher was a good kisser which can be expected since he probably has experience.

Mr. Teacher moaned as I ran my fingers through his hair which reminded me of Ash. Running my hands through his hair always turned him on.

Wait. Why am I thinking about Ash? My mind must have been wandering because we were now inside the garden shed. How the hell did we get in here? I don't remember moving, let alone walking across the road to get inside the small shed.

I pulled back and shook my head trying to clear my thoughts.

Mr. Teacher gasped, "I'm so sorry, Camilla. I don't know what I was think-"

I cut him off by returning my lips to his. I really needed this to get my mind off of things.

Clothes began drifting to the floor as I fucked a teacher, John Doe #5. I guess I wasn't as inconspicuous as I thought.

|A/N| I'm sorry that was crap but I have to go to the dentist like right now. I probably should already be there. This was very rushed but some insight on further chapters and such. It was a filler if you couldn't tell. Next update should be better. Actually idk what its gonna be about. Byeeeeeeee lets hope i don't have any cavities! |A/N|

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