09. Screwed

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Sluts Have Feelings |Nine|

Screwed: adjective 1 INFORMAL in a difficult or hopeless situation; ruined or broken ORIGIN late Middle English: from Old French

Camilla Lau Brooks.

To say I was pissed was an understatement. I was angry before lunch because of Asher making out with some hoe, but now I was furious. Brittany was a bitch. She knew how to push my buttons and I swear she did it on purpose. She said what I knew deep down inside of myself, Ash will never be mine.

I won't allow myself to have him, and I know I'm making the right decision. It just hurts so much knowing I'll never be able to call him mine. I guess you could say that as I lunged across the table for Brittany, I finally realized that I had feelings for Ash.

I think everyone else realized it too because it was very obvious. As soon as she said I could never have him, I wanted to do her body some serious harm. Ash is confused, and I didn't know what to say to him. Hell, I didn't know what to say to anyone. I was still confused myself and wasn't sure how to make everything better.

"Camilla? Are you even listening to a word a said?" The man across the desk asked me with an annoyed wave. The principal at Wildwood High was a strict man that had his doctorate's in teaching. He liked to parade around school wearing suits and yelling at kids who weren't in class. This was the second time I've seen him in two days, and he was wearing a black suit with a striped tie that was identical to the one yesterday. If I didn't know better, I'd say it was the same one. But he probably had a million and one of the same boring suit and a million of the same ugly ties.


"Are you trying to get suspended?"

"No, I was being honest. I thought one of the values taught at this school was honesty?" I replied as a smirk graced my face.

The only other person in the room was the secretary whom was a sweet old lady that I disliked. She was always happy; I suspected she did drugs. Why else would you be happy to be a secretary for this old fart of a principal? Actually, he wasn't that old- probably somewhere in his late thirties.

"Ms. Brooks, why did you hit the other student?" Mr. Paul, the shiny plaque read, asked with a sigh. He was probably annoyed with all of the high-schoolers he had to deal with. This was his crappy job, so he can deal with it.

"Brittany?" I laughed, "Oh, she's a bitch."

The secretary let out a bark of laughter which caused Mr. Paul to glare at her. "Those hateful words do not belong at this school, Ms. Brooks. Please leave them at the edge of the campus and pick them up when you leave."

I just rolled my eyes.

"Ms. Brooks, we are worried about you. Some teachers said they saw you with another student doing inappropriate things. Is this true?"

Another student? That could be a plethora of people that attend this school, including the teachers. "Uh, I don't know what this concerns you, but yes, I've been fucking another student."

"Language, Ms. Brooks!" Mr. Paul's lips turned downwards. "I do hope you and this other student are being safe-"

"I do not need the sex talk from you." I crossed me legs which made my uniform rise higher, Mr. Paul could probably see everything.

"Okay, Camilla," he paused, "But please follow the dress code. It's there for a reason." My blue orbs automatically rolled at his words- like I would ever follow a dress code. His next words stopped all movement throughout the room, "You are suspended, Ms. Brooks. You will be allowed back in the building after three days." He began to get up from his desk.

"WHAT?" My legs sprang from the chair.

As he neared the door, he advised with a remorseful look, "Did you really think you could get in a fight with another student, send her to the hospital no less, and not get punished for it, Ms. Books? Actions have consequences."

"I know that, Mr. Paul, but I can't miss anymore days! I'll lose my credits!" This was why I went to school today. I'm a senior. I need my credits to get my diploma so I can get the hell out of here.

"You should have thought of that before you attacked a fellow student, Camilla. Actions have consequences." Why the fuck does he keep saying that? No fucking shit that actions have consequences. "See you Tuesday."(Honestly I lost track of the days so just go with it lol)

"Go fuck yourself, Mr. Paul," I gave him the middle finger salute as I exited the building. A faint "Language, Ms. Brooks," followed after me.

This really sucked. I may not be a goody two shoes, but I was a fairly good student. But this was going to fuck everything up.

I screwed up royally.

|A/N| This was a hella boring chapter and im sorry you had to wait two weeks for it. I suck :/ But we'll need filler chapters to separate major events bc i dont want this story to move too fast. Next chapter will probs be Asher's POV and it'll get the ball rolling. The event already happened that tipped everything off but Asher makes a decision that sucks. For him to be so smart, he's a fucking idiot sometimes.

If you couldn't tell, if shf isn't updated on Wednesday itll be updated the next wednesday. I found that easier than having to update on a different day.

And I'm so sorry but I didn't have time to write and then I got in trouble so :/ I don't know if ill get to update every week but ill try. Its become too much of a chore to write before every wednesday, so ill just update on a wednesday that i hve a chapter ready :)

Shameless self promo go check out Target Employee's Anonymous please. Personally, I think it's better than this one and i love writing it :) It should be written better! Plus there might be some smut for all you horndogs ;)



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