04. Desirability

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Sluts Have Feelings |Four|

Desirability: Noun, 1 the quality of being desirable. ORIGIN late Middle English (desirable)

The first half of the day passed quickly and mostly uneventful. There was a small incident where some dumb freshman tried to mess with Taby, but that was quickly taken care of. I had some of the Varsity football (American) players toss him into the dumpster. We got yelled at for skipping third period, but it was totally worth it.

Now it's time for my favorite part of the day, lunch. I get to see all of my bitches which makes me happy. I head towards my table with my head held high and my skirt riding up my ass. You probably know which table I'm heading towards. Yup, its the one with the fake blonde in green and grey cheerleading uniforms that will spread their legs, open their mouths, and drop to their knees as soon as you turn to them. I'm talking about my main bitches.

Our table is conveniently located in the center of the room so we can keep an eye on everything. We don't just care about ourselves; we like to know what else is going on in this hell. We watch everything, so we know about everything. We like to watch people. I sound like a fucking stalker. We like to watch people in a non-creepy fashion. That's not any better. I'm just going to move on.

I sat down at my spot in the middle of the table. It's my spot, and nobody dares to touch it. I'm the Queen B, fuck with me and I fuck you up. My court (hehe I'm keeping up the puns) falls in on either side of me. Conversations pick up around me as I sit back to survey my people. It is filled with most of the people that are in the 'in' crowd, my people. There are sluts, jocks, and...Asher. He's the only one of his kind at my table, but he seems to fit in.

Nichol sits about two seats down from me. She looks better today than she did yesterday, but I can tell she's still hungover. Regina and Claire, my two top main bitches, flank my sides. I tell them everything and we do almost everything together. They are my best friends. Asher sits across from me, so when I look forward I just see his smiling face. Brittany sits to his left and Matt sits to his right. I like Matt. He's screw-able, but I really don't like Brittany. I've told that to her face quite a few times, but she doesn't seem to understand. I put up with her because Duncan has a crush on her which is why he's sitting next to her. Spencer sits next to him. He's fairly good in bed. I only fucked him because he has gorgeous eyes. Cassie, whom sits at the end next to Spencer, is your basic definition of a slut. Lance, across from Cassie at the end, is the star of the Varsity football team He's the quarterback and had probably been behind all of the girls at this table. (He likes it like that. I don't know why.) Taby and Jesse sit next to Lance. They're pretty cool and now how to party. After Nichol... who the fuck is that boy? I've never seen him before in my life.

"Who the fuck are you and why are you sitting at my fucking table?" I ask as all conversations around the lunch room seem to cease. I guess we're not the only one's that watch other people. I feel less stalker-ish now.

Nichol giggles as she leans her head on his shoulder. "He's my boyfriend, Milla. I asked you if he could sit here and you said yes." She rolled her eyes playfully.

I squint my eyes to remember as I study the boy. He was fairly tan with messy black curls and deep brown eyes. He had a cute, baby face. "Umm...wait! Is he..." What was his name?

"Theo," Nichol supplied for me.

"Oh yeah, Theo." I put a flirty smile on my face, "Nice to meet you, Theo." His voice sounded sexy coming out of my mouth. No pun intended.

He looked nervous as he realized all eyes were on him. "H-hi? It's nice to meet you too." He relaxed a little as he spoke. He's kind of cute. I wonder if he's any good in bed. Well, he must be if Nichol is dating him.

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