Forbidden - Neji x Reader

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Requested By: OrochimaruTrash

Prompt: You are so beautiful, I can't believe you are mine!

TW: none

Neji x reader

(Not following the Naruto plotline)

WC: 3777


You stepped out of your apartment on this beautiful day, seeing your boyfriend, Neji, waiting so you could go on a walk in the orchards together. Being around him always made you so happy. His quiet presents was calming and you didn't always need to talk about something to hangout.

His family, other than Hinata, absolutely despises you. You know Neji likes you, but after dating for over six months, he still hasn't said that he loves you. He shows you every day when he sees you, but you've always wondered what it would sound like coming from him. It's not something you thought you ever needed to hear, yet you can't shake the idea that he's just scared because of his family.

"Good morning, Neji," you said, smiling at your boyfriend who maybe looked a little beat up and tired. "You feeling alright?" Neji looked at you with his lavender eyes as a small smile came to him.

"I'm better now than I was earlier," he said, taking your hand into his, and intertwining your fingers.

"What happened?" You asked as you began walking.

"Nothing, it was just a long night," he replied, kissing your head. "You don't have to worry about it,"

"If you say so," you replied as you walked into the orchard. On the other side, there's a big field where you like to sit with Neji. That's where you're excited to go. It's both yours and Neji's day off, so you planned to spend it together. So naturally, you're excited, even if you don't have any big plans. Not that you know of at least. After a few minutes of silence, and admiring the beautiful trees, you decided to ask, "what are we doing today?"

"I just thought we would just relax today, not do anything elaborate,"

"Sounds nice," you leaned on him as we walked. He just seems off today. He's normally quite, but he seems nervous. You know sure as hell he's not about to propose to you, you had talked about it a few weeks ago and decided it was best to wait, so... What's bothering him?

You arrived at the field and found the highest point to lay down. Neji found a comfortable spot and rested there, and you laid next to him, eventually rolling on my side, and snuggling up to him, with your face next to his. You sneaked a short kiss on his cheek to see him blush. He looked at you, still smiling.

"You're so cute Neji," you hummed, trying to embarrass him or get some sort of compliment. He lost whatever composure he still had and covered his face with his hands.

"Thank you," he whispered, not sure what to do next. You hadn't even had your first kiss with him yet. He sat up, and you followed, not wanting to be away from him. You longed for the moment that was to come soon enough.


The way your relationship started was ordinary, other than the fact that his family was, and still is against him dating you, claiming that it would make the bloodline "impure" or "dirty." They didn't mind you before that, being Hinata's best friend and being around their family all the time.

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