Breakfast - Darui x Reader

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Requested By: ChrolloLucilifer

Prompt: I would've had breakfast ready, but you were sleeping on my arm and I didn't want to wake you.

TW: its p u r e & fluffy

Darui x reader

(Not following the Naruto plotline)

WC: 1280

Sorry it took so long! I was afraid of writing Darui, I'm not so sure I did a very good job! Thanks for reading & requesting!


That day was far too long and drawn out, you just wanted to sleep. The war only lasted what, three days? And now that it was over, it was time to sleep for a while. But first, You needed to find out if Darui was okay. You had been separated at the war front, and as much as you wanted to sleep, he came before that. You were only back home for a few hours, only to shower and eat real food.

You searched through Kumogakur, as you had only just made it back, and hadn't gotten the chance to see him. After a few minutes of trudging around, you heard his familiar voice, emitting from in front of the Raikages tower, just a few feet away.

"Darui!" you called, turning to find him standing, his arms crossed in front of his chest, talking to the Fourth Raikage. You grinned, newfound energy growing inside you, seeing him as bored as ever. He looked at you, a hint of a smile playing at his lips, and opened his arms to hold you. You ran the rest of the way to him, and jumped into his grasp, wrapping your legs around him, and your arms around his neck. "I'm so glad to see that you're okay!" you exclaimed into the crook of his neck.

"I was worried about you too, (y/n)," he said quietly, his hands warmly, and firmly holding your back. "Thank you, Lord Raikage. I'll report in tomorrow," He nodded.

"Normally, especially after the past few days, I wouldn't allow this, but, why don't you take tomorrow off as well? You must be tired,"

"If you'll allow me to, I would like to take tomorrow off as well," The Raikage nodded, seeing how tired you both were. "Thank you," Darui started walking away, his arms now holding you under your thighs.

The sun set a little over two hours ago, but all the street lamps were on, making it easy to tell where you were going. "Can I spend the night?" you spoke quietly with your eyes closed.

"Sorry, I forgot to ask if you wanted to. I just started walking," he admitted, which made you laugh slightly.

"Don't be, I'm just happy to be with you," Your head was now resting on his well defined shoulder, having him close was exactly what you needed after seeing so much bloodshed and losing comerads. Darui continued to walk with you safely in his arms, holding you as tight as he could.

You finally arrived at his cozy apartment, and as soon as you were inside, he set you back on your feet. "How are you feeling? I mean, after everything?"

"Well, relived that its over, and that I didn't lose you. Because, if I lost you, I don't think I would be... okay," you sighed, turning back to him again, and leaning on his chest. "I love you so much," Your voice became hoarse, after the days before, you were finally starting to let your guard down. "You?"

"I missed you. Thats all I should say," he hummed, placing his hands on your face to get you to look up at him. "I love you too," He leaned in to leave a gentle kiss on your lips. You kissed back for a moment, then pressed your forehead to his.

"I'm tired," you whispered.

"Then lets go to bed," He hummed in response, luring you to his bedroom, were you loved to be because he kept it dark, and cool.

After getting into a set of his night clothes, you huddled under the fluffy comforters of his bed, next to you, your boyfriend about to hold you close again. You stayed facing each other, enjoying being back together. His arms were around you, one of his hands in your hair, slowly massaging your scalp.

"What if I told you I wasn't just tired because of the war?" You quietly scooted closer to him, resting your head on his arm. He continued to look at you, his soft expression turned to thinking.

"What do you mean?"

"Darui, I'm pregnant. I found out just before the war, just before it started. I didn't have time to go home,"

"As long as I'm the father, then I'm okay with it," he hushed her and kissed her forehead.

"Of course you're the father," you smiled, placing a hand on his cheek. "Goodnight, love." You rolled over, using his arm as a pillow, deciding it was more comfortable than the real pillow. You then placed your hand in his, lacing your fingers together.

He curled himself around you, and snugged his face into your hair, kissing the back of your head. You fell asleep in a few minutes, comfortably resting in his grasp.

He stayed awake though, finally processing your words. I'm gonna be a father. And (y/n) a mother, and... We're going to have a baby. He thought to himself over and over. Not that he didn't like it, he just wasn't expecting it. He held you tighter, to protect you, and the life inside you.

After struggling for a while, he gave up, and fell asleep, an arm around you, and one under your head, hands together. It was pure, and soft, and lovely.

[Hours later]

Darui woke up, the sun had been up for a while now. He looked over at you, still using his arm to sleep on. He chuckled softly, and closed his eyes again, deciding not to remove himself, for your comfort. He had it made up in his mind that he would do whatever he could for your comfort, because you were carrying his child, and he knew that it would be a lot of work for you. Your comfort is key.

After about an hour of laying, his eyes occasionally batting open, his stomach began to grumble, signifying his hunger. He shook his head, trying to ignore it. You began to stir in your sleeping, slightly shifting closer to him. Your eyes slowly fluttered open.

"Babe, was that you?" She mumbled, rolling over to look at him.

"Yeah," Darui replied. " I would've had breakfast ready, but you were sleeping on my arm and I didn't want to wake you," he watched as you sat up slightly to give him his arm back.

"You could have woke me. I wouldn't have cared," you smiled, lying back down, this time on the pillow. Darui scooted off the bed, and crossed his room to stand next to you. He stared at you for a moment, before sweetly placing a kiss on your forehead. "You okay? You're acting weird,"

"I'm okay. What do you want for breakfast?"

"Darui, babe, I'm not hungry right now. Go eat, I think I'm going to go back to sleep, okay?"

"Yeah. Just tell me if you need anything. Anything at all," he pressed.

You grabbed his hand, "you're worried because of the baby. I promise I'm fine, and I'm not just saying that. We literally just fought in a war, don't underestimate how strong I am," you warned.

"I'm sorry. I just want you to be comfortable," he kneeled down to her eye level, feeling guilty for making you think he thinks less of you. "I didn't mean-"

"It's alright. Go get yourself something to eat. I'll tell you if I'm hungry later," she touched his face. He squeezed your hand before leaving the room to get something to eat.

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