Misha got in the room excited to know about her superstar, but found her sister busy in thoughts. She gently peeped from behind and saw the magazine.
"Ohoo... So my sister is also going slightly crazy on RK haa"

Manasa jerked suddenly and kept the magazine on bed. "Shut up Misha. Nothing like that. I was just looking at the magazine that's all."

She laid down on her side, followed by Misha on the other side .
"Ok ok.. now please tell na akka... Did you saw him... Did you talked to him.. how is his voice.. is it same as we hear on films.. And-"

"Oh God!! Please shut up. Yeah I saw him. I didn't talked to him and I don't want to. Now go and sleep. I am tired."
Manasa brushed off the topic and covered herself with blanket.


Next morning, RK was in his vanity preparing for his next shot. He used to practice his dialogues looking at the mirror. It was his early habit. And helped him a lot to get the perfect shot in a single take.

"Maybe you don't know, how much, how much I adore you , respect you and love you. "

He heard a knock on the door.

"Your costume sir..", replied the voice.

"Come in."

He continued his practice.
" Maybe you don't know, how much, how much I adore you , respect you and love you.Whenever I look into the mirror, I find your reflection instead of mine.."

The very next moment, he saw another reflection in the mirror, beside him. A girl, familiar one. It didn't took much time for him to recognize her.

Ma: "Your costume sir.."

Manasa hanged them on the hanger and turned to leave.
"Wait... You should ask permission to leave, like the same way you entered. Without RK's permission, no one will leave . "

She stopped and turned back to him.

RK: "By the way, you were the one who was locked in yesterday right.?"

She nodded. A part of her mind wanted to thank him. But something stopped her. Especially the way he stopped her right now.

RK turned back to the mirror with a smirk. He sat on the chair and engrossed himself in touch up.
"Hmm... But, I haven't seen you here before. "

Ma: "I. I am Meeraji's new assistant. Manasa"

RK stopped what was he doing and looked straight to her face. Within a second he turned back and continued.
"Oh, so you are one. Meeraji told me. I thought you will come and meet yesterday. But you didn't. People working on my set, normally comes to meet me on their first day; just to take my blessings and share two words with me. "

Manasa looked at him, with a wide open eyes. 'Who does he think he is..' , the first thing that came to her mind.
She never liked people with so much of ego. And this person standing before her, not at all.

RK: "Anyways, you owe me a thanks. Actually not one, two. You got this job because of me . And second for, I saved you yesterday."

Ma: "Excuse me. Let me clear one thing. 'Thanks' is not something you should ask and take. It's something that one should tell you from heart, with gratitude.
You said I got this job because of you, but that's not correct. I got this job because of my talent. Meeraji told me, you like my design , so you asked her to appoint me. So basically, I deserve it.
And about last night, actually you should be sorry to me. Because I was trapped because of you. And it's your responsibility to get me out. I don't think there something to thank you. Even after, I must have said it. But after seeing the amount of ego you have, it's better you don't get it.
So excuse me sir, I should leave now."

She got out of the vanity, leaving behind RK furious.
His eyes has turned red. He tightened the grip over the glass he was holding and throw it down, breaking into pieces.

'No one, no one has dared to speak like that infront of me. Who the hell is she to behave like that. Manasa., I don't leave you so easily.. it's a promise.'

RK took his phone and dialed Meeraji's number.
"Hello Meeraji, I got the costume but, it seems you haven't explained your assistant about the work. She just kept the dress here and walk off.."

Mee: "Sorry RK, I will talk to her now."

RK disconnected the call.
"Come back Manasa, come back to me... Five,...four...three....two... On-"


"Come in!!"

Manasa entered the vanity with a blank face. She was welcomed by him, with a smirk. As if he was waiting for her.

How are you people...

So our Tom and Jerry play is going to begin. I hope all are excited.

Stay home Stay safe guyss.
Have a nice day..
Annujam 😘😘

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