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Third Person

Chloes laughs echoed through the house as Zach carried her on his back.

"Put her down!" Corbyn yelled as Zach ran from him.

Zach slowly set Chloe down causing her to shove him.

"You are so annoying." She said as he smiled at her.

"Woah. What happened to your arms?" Corbyn asks her as he looks at the bruises.

"Umm. Chase accidentally hit me." She mumbled as Corbyns eyes widened.

"So are you guys breaking up?" He asked her.

"I don't know, I need time to think." She mumbled as she ran a hand through her hair.

"If he hit you I don't think you should go back to him." Corbyn said as Chloe sighed.

Zach motioned for Corbyn to leave as Zach sat next to her.

He pulled her into a hug as she cried softly.

"We just want to protect you." Zach whispered softly to Chloe.

"I know." She whispered back.

Zach picked her up softly and took her into his room. He set her down on his bed. He climbed in with her as he held her close to him.

"Goodnight." Zach whispered as he placed a kiss on her head.

Chloes POV

I couldn't sleep. I kept replaying the moment when Chase slapped me. How mad he looked and how he hurt me. Maybe Zach and Corbyn are right and I shouldn't go back to him.

"Why aren't you asleep?" Zach mumbled causing me to come out of my thoughts.

"How did you know I was awake?" I ask him.

"You weren't snoring." He says as he laughs. I smack his arm.

"I snore?" I ask him as he nods his head.

"It's like so quiet and it sounds like a baby, it's actually the cutest thing." He says to me as I sigh.

"Now answer my question. Why are you awake?" He asks me.

"Just thinking about chase." I mumble.

Zach rubs my back as he sighs.

"Don't think about him right now, you need some sleep you can worry about it tomorrow. If me and the guys need to beat him up we will." Zach says to me.

I smile as I cuddle into his embrace.

Every time I think of Chase I think of him hitting me but eveytime I think of Zach I think about being safe. But I love chase. Right? And Zach's just my friend. I close my eyes and let sleep over take me.


"So glad we are back together." Chase whispered as he held me in his arms.

"I love you." I say back as I lean in to kiss him.

Chase then changed from Chase and became Zach and I lean in and kiss Zach instead. I scream as I quickly walk away from him.

"What's wrong? Don't you want to kiss me?" Zach asked me as he walked closer to me.

"No. I want chase." I mumble.

"Are you really sure about that?" Zach asks me as he holds my hand in his. He leans into kiss me .....
End of dream

I wake up and sit up quickly. I rub my eyes and look down at Zach who is fast asleep. Thank God it was just a dream. But what did it mean? Dreams are weird I shouldn't think about it to much. But why did I want Zach to kiss me? Do I still want him to kiss me?
Wow this part sucks lol 🥵

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