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Out of the blue Erin said "We should help her". Although I didn't know the whole story I knew they had a past, not a good one, and that Erin was trying to get out of the FBI, the same FBI Spencer had taken her into, and yet she wanted to help this woman. She still amazes me. She is able to forgive people and help them, leaving their past behind.  I didn't even try to change her mind because I knew that she wouldn't give in. 

Spencer, Erin, Hank and I gathered in a small coffee shop, where we couldn't be seen, or heard. Spencer told us the whole story, and begged us to leave it like it was. But Erin told her we wouldn't. So we started to put together information on those guys, connecting the dots. We found out the head of the group, a man called Erik Yaroslav. He had been living in America for 20 years and he owned a hardware store. We decided to follow him to find out as much information on that guy as we could. We even placed microphones in his workplace and a gps on his car, thanks to our undercover work. And that gave results. We realized that every 3 days  he would go after work to a warehouse in New Jersey for a few hours and then he would head home. That had to be the place. We all had the same feeling, she had to be there. 

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