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The yellow door bedroom was a little boy's bedroom. He was in his bed, sleeping. Erin woke him up and said "Hey buddy, I gotta go, Emily will be taking care of you, okay? I love you, buddy". The boy hugged her and said "Okay, mommy". Then he looked at me and asked her who i was. She told him I was an old friend, and then hugged him again. 

When did she have a baby? Who was the father? Where was the father? Was he adopted? I had so many questions but I didn't want to force her into answering them. I knew she would just shut me out, as she always did. However..

I couldn't keep this questions in my head. "So, a son hum?" I said, while we were waiting for the elevator. She nodded. "Where's the father?" I asked, but the only thing I got from her was a cold glance. The elevator opened and we got inside. During the ride, she didn't answer, she didn't even look at me. 

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