Chapter 18

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Adrian grabs my over his shoulders and storms off in the direction of his house.

"Adrian what the hell!" I scream out holding on tight.  Adrian doesn't say a word until we're inside and be finally sets me down.  He still looks furious.

"Tell me why the you came here with him?" He practically growls out

"He is an old friend and happen to be around to give me a ride" I explain, not wanting to anger the beast anymore. "It doesn't even matter. You tell me why you wanted to see me"

"Oh Rylee it does matter". Adrian comes close to me until I'm pushed up against a wall. He moves his hand to hold my face and comes inches close to my lips. "It matters because you're mine".

He lips capture mine in a slow sensual kiss. I kiss him back without thinking twice about it. I know my body would always crave him. He was the only man to touch me and I don't think I would want someone else to.

I moved my hands to the front of his shirt urging to remove any barrier between us. He quickly grabs my hands and puts them above my head.

"I love you Rylee" he breaths before kissing down my neck, sucking and nipping. I couldn't form any words. He continues to grind his body against mine until I let out a moan of frustration.

"Talk to me. Tell me what you want" Adrian whispers into my ear before continuing to lower his head to my breasts.

"Adrian" I moan out as he bits my nipple. "I want you inside of me"

Adrian gives me an wicked smile before moving down my body slowly removing my clothes. I find myself submerged in this moment, not wanting to risk anything to ruin it.

Adrian grabs my thighs and picks me up causing me to wrap around his waist. He carries me to his room while I run my own lips down his neck wanting to kiss every inch of his skin.

I yelp when I'm thrown onto the bed only to be covered by Adrian's naked body shortly after.  His hands move down to my pussy growling when he sees how wet I am already.

I feel his erection against my entrance, already pushing himself in.

"Do you know why I'm always bare when I'm inside of you" he continues to move inside of me while I grab onto his shoulders in utter pleasure.

He knows I can't formulate any words as he continues talking, not missing a beat. "It's because you're mine. You've always been mind. No barrier. No obstacles"

He moves his hands to my ass to tilt me upward, feeling him even deeper than I've dreamed of. I moan out his name loudly knowing I was close.

As he lowers his head I faintly hear him growl "I'm going to mark you" before capturing my lips.  That undid me. I dug my nails into his shoulders and moaned into his lips while my body releases itself.

A second later Adrian releases himself inside while leaving a few more lasting kisses on my lips and neck. I feel him playfully nipping that sensitive spot. I close my eyes enjoying his entrance.

My eyes snap open when I feel his sharp teeth teasing me even more. I push Adrian off of me not believing he would actually do it.

"What the hell Rylee", Adrian growing angry as I expected when I try to get away from him.

"You can't mark me" I mumble, the only string of words I've been able to say since he has touched me.

"Did you not listen to what I said. You're mine" Adrian growls before trying to get to me again. I quickly jump off the bed not giving him a chance.

"You let me leave, remember. Why did you let me leave" I hold back my tears trying to remain calm.

He curses under his breathe and tries to get to me again. I move out of the way again stealing one of his shirts to covering me up. I needed to focus on this and his touch was the ultimate distraction.

At this point both his hands have turned into first and there is a hole in one of his walls.  Again this doesn't rattle me. I stay calm until he gathers himself to speak again.

"I rejected her okay. I told her the truth and we rejected each other. I'm free now. She understands to stay away.  I'm free to be with you"

My mouth went slack. Everything I was hoping to hear was actually told to me.  I let my tears fall down my face needed to feel something to believe this. 

I let Adrian approach me this time, wiping away my tears, kissing my face.

"Rylee I'm going to mark you know. I can't wait any longer. I almost lost my mind when I couldn't find you"

He stares into my eyes so raw I had to look away.  He runs his hands through my hair while bringing his head to my neck to continue his invasion.  I climb my body onto his, holding  tight, while he moves us back to the bed.

I scream out once I feel his teeth break my skin, leaving the lasting mark, making me his.

"I love you" I moan out once he releases his teeth and licks my swollen skin. 

My eyes feel heavy as Adrian cuddles behind me.

"Go to sleep baby, I got you". I let the darkness take over, feeling whole again.

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