Chapter 16

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I woke up alone but I knew I was in Adrian's bed as soon as I smelled his scent all around me.  My body woke me up with an urgent need to feel his skin on mine, feel him inside of me.  I was overwhelmed with this heat and also upset he wasn't around to satisfy it.

I start searching for him but surprisingly find Grayson in the kitchen.

"What are you doing here" I ask causally while preparing a glass of water.

Grayson clears his throat nervously which alarms me,"Adrian wanted me to look after you while he had to complete some tasks"

"What kind of tasks"

"The alpha-kind" Grayson shrugs. "Oh and here's your phone. We found it attack site"

I take my phone noticing it has a few new scratches but functions normally. I saw hundreds of texts from Scarlett and Julia which I answered instantly.

I also saw some messages from James which I figured would be better to ignore. Finally I saw a message from Adrian.

I have to work all morning. Grayson will be over. Please stay inside until I'm back.

I pout re-reading the message several times. It could not have been more dry. More unaffectionate it. I couldn't help to use this as an alert that we are not mates. How could we make something last without the same bond. I know my love was real. I felt it in every happy, scared, sad, and heated moment. I felt him, felt myself always wanting him. Like I couldn't remember how it felt before him.

I had a bad feeling and I hated it. My masochist side pushing me to find out what it was even if it was going to hurt.

I manage to convince Grayson that I wanted to call some friends out in the backyard and enjoy the sunlight.

"I can join you"

"I'd rather talk in private. My conversations with Scarlet usually get very detailed" I emphasize which makes him back off not wanting to know more.

I make my way outside and sit on one of the patio chairs for a short time. Eventually I see Grayson distracted on his phone which was my cue to sneak around the house to start searching.

Once I started walking I realized I didn't really have a plan. I just know something felt off and I wanted to find out what it was. I ended up walking to the far south side of the territory. I rarely came to this area before because it was mostly built for the youth. There was several nice parks with even a coffee shop and library used mostly by students.

My heart stopped the moment I saw her golden hair shine in the sunlight. My eyes felt heavy with tears that I managed to hold back.  They were sitting at one of the park benches, holding coffee cups, and laughing towards each other.  It actually looked perfect. Like a perfect date with two beautiful people. 

I couldn't help but notice how gentle Natalia looks.  I felt my insides crumble knowing I would never have that look.  I've fought too much, too hard to be anything but gentle.  

I retrieve my steps back to Adrian's house already knowing my fate. My cruel fate.

Grayson was calling me as soon as I snuck back in the backyard.  I opened the door already seeing him panic. He knew.

"Rylee, fuck, where did you go?"

"Save it. I already saw them"

He raises a hand behind his neck looking guilty, "Uh what do you mean?"

I let out a long sigh knowing he doesn't want to betray his alpha so I wasn't trying to get a confession. 

"Have you every met someone else with a human mate" I whisper feeling the weight of body give in as a sit on the couch. 

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