Chapter 7

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I start to blink my eyes open and look up to see a white ceiling.   I try to move my body but everything feels sore. 

Eventually I'm able to sit up in a hospital bed. I start to hear voices outside my door but I can't make out what they are saying.  Finally someone wearing a white coat walks in introducing themselves as the pack doctor.  He says my vitals are looking good but I will still be weak for a couple more days due to the blood loss.  He also informs me it's been 12 hours since I blacked out. 

"Is anyone here to see me?", I ask him.

"Yes a few people but I advised them it's better to wait a little longer.", the doctor replies back

"Can I just talk to one person?  If Scarlett is out there I would really like to talk

I see him walk out and hear him say a few words to the people outside.  I then hear some arguing but eventually Scarlett walks into my room with tears in her eyes.

She runs up to me and we both give each other a big hug.

"Are you hurt at all", I ask her right away

"I'm fine Rylee. I've been concerned about you!"

"Don't worry, I feel great" I laugh trying to lighten the mood.

"So Adrian seems very impatient to see you" she tells me with curiosity.

"Really?" I question her. I do remember the last thing I said to him and I feel kind of embarrassed about it now. I know he will eventually find his own mate so I hope I didn't ruin our friendship.

A few hours of rest I wake up again from the sound of the door being opened. Looking outside it seems like it's the middle of the night.  I look to the door and see Adrian sneaking in.  I start to sit up with a smile on my face.

"Adrian, what are you doing here?" I whisper at him playfully.

"I just needed to know you were okay", he answers me with a serious look.

"Yes I'm okay. Thank you for saving me" I say shyly.

Adrian looks at me with a serious expression while holding my hand until I fall back asleep. By the time I wake up again he is gone.

Scarlett is there when I exit the hospital and start walking back to the pack house. I notice a lot of people are staring at us oddly.

"Everyone knows you defeated Jax. They admire your strength", Scarlett explains to me. I start to blush and look down for the remainder of the walk.

"Zac said to meet him in his office if you're up for it", Scarlett tells me as we enter the pack house.  I nod my head and start following her in that direction.

When we walk in I see Zac, Nathan, Adrian, and his beta Grayson. Scarlett runs towards Zac to give him a hug and sit on his lap. I smile at their happiness.

"How are you feeling?", Nathan asks me in front of everyone. I don't dare to look at him since my wolf still shakes in fear around him.

"I-I'm doing great", I answer back while looking away from him.

"Is it true you want to join the Crimson Pack?", Zac asks me. I look over to Adrian gives me a small smile.

"Yes, that is what I have chosen to do"

"Very well, just know you are always welcome back here", Zac replies. I look over to Nathan for a brief second who is glaring at Adrian. At that moment I know I have no intention on coming back for Nathan.

"Let's get going", Adrian tells me while standing up and walking me out of the office.

I quickly pack up my few belongings and say goodbye to some of the pack members that are around. Scarlett gives me a big hug and starts crying which is when I hand her back to Zac to comfort here.

As I turn to leave down the hallway, Nathan walks in front of me which I flinch back from. My anxiety increases not knowing what he intends to do. I take a deep breathe while he leans towards me and gives quick hug.

When I don't return the hug he whispers in my ear, "Goodbye". Not knowing how to react, I just nod my head and continue walking out of the house. At this point I knew even if Nathan would want me back I could never be with him.

I see Adrian and his other warriors packing up into the cars. Adrian guides me over to the car he's driving which I gladly get inside. Once we start driving I notice it's only us two in the car.

While we fall into a comfortable silence I start to close my eyes to rest for the long drive.

"I know Nathan is one of your mates", Adrian says casually. I immediately sit up straight feeling nervous that he knows.

"How do you know?", I ask nervously.

"You we're acting nervous around him and he was giving me a deathly look when I told him you're moving to my pack"

I stay silent, unsure of what to respond.

"Rylee, I won't let him hurt you again", Adrian says to me and then moves his hand to place over mine.

"I'm still scared of him" I admit.

"Would you go back to him if he changed?"

"No, I don't think I could ever forget what he did to me"

"Good", was the last thing Adrian said to me before I fell asleep while holding his hand.

"We're here Rylee", Adrian tells me while shaking me awake.

I jump out of my seat and look around the Crimson Pack. All the buildings are much larger than I've ever seen. I start following Adrian and the others to the pack house.

"I have a small house near the pack house. Since we don't have any space ready in the pack house you will have to stay with me", Adrian explains to me. I nod in understand, still excited to be part of this new pack.

I follow Adrian into his house and he shows me the spare bedroom that I can stay in.

"I'm just next door if you need anything. And feel free to use the kitchen and TV room"

"Thanks Adrian" I say before giving him a hug.  He returns the hug and holds me even tighter than usual but I appreciate the comfort.

I go to my new bedroom and start getting ready for bed. As I lay down I feel that familiar emptiness in my chest now that Jax is dead and I'm far away from Nathan. I start to think about how I'm supposed to live my life mateless. I feel my eyes water but I try to tell myself not to cry over these pathetic men.

The first person I think of for support is Adrian. He has helped me so much without even realizing it. I know it's not fair to get close to him since he has his own mate out there but I can't help myself when I tip toe out of my room and knock on his bedroom door.

He opens the door with only a pair of shorts on. I try not to blush while looking at his hard chest and abs.

"Rylee what's wrong?"

"Uh.. I just didn't want to be alone", I quietly say knowing I sound like a child. Adrian opens the door to let me. I give him a small smile and make myself comfortable in his bed.

I feel Adrian slide in next to me. My wolf is at ease now knowing Adrian is next to us. As I start to fall asleep I feel Adrian move his hand around my waist and pulls me closer to his chest.

When I feel the warmth of his skin on mine I easily go into a deep sleep.

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