the match with Jessamyn

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My music hits I walk out and see my brother I walk up the steps and get in the ring.
Jessamyn comes out with marina and shayna  in her corner.
The bell rings Jessamyn went for a enziguri but I dodge it and went for her legs and pulled her off balance. Then I hit her with a right hook. I hit (f/f) FAVORITE FINSHER
Then hit a DDT then it happened she put me in a dragon sleeper. I refused to tap so I took a nap.
Watched as (y/n) tore Jessamyn apart and then that sleeper was hit and she didnt tap. I was technically on medical leave so (y/n) wasn't expecting to see me backstage tonight but I wanted to see her match in person and I needed to tell her something and it couldn't wait. Even though I said I would stay home
I walked back stage and saw rhea
"You said you would stay home" I said calmly
"I know but I wanted to see your match and I want to tell you something that cant wait!" Said Rhea exited "ok what is it that you want to tell me?" I asked with a burst of curiosity in my voice
"Well my mom invited you and I to visit and meet my mom and dad!" she said exited
I got really nervous and started to over think.
"T-t-they want to meet me?" I said nervously
"Dont worry (y/n) they will love you!" Said rhea as she huged me.
"But what if I say something stupid and embarrass you?" I said as over think meeting her parents. "You wont" said rhea trying to reassure me.

Rhea Ripley x Female readerWhere stories live. Discover now