So Close

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It had been a few weeks and I was still in a brace, but I could get back I to the ring as long as I was careful. I was cleared by everyone except Rhea, Shayna, Jessamyn, and Marina. It was making me mad


"I GOT CLEARED"(y/n) shouted
"No the fuck you're not" I said
"Not until you're out of the brace" said Shayna with Jessamyn and Marina nodding in agreement.
"But the doctors said that I can" (y/n) whined sadly
"I'm sorry (y/n) but I dont want you hurt again" I said changing my tone.
"But I'll be fine" said (y/n) with tears I her eyes
~time skip~
I took off my brace and walked around I did that until Rhea caught me
"What the hell are you doing (y/n)" said Rhea kinda mad
"Walking" I responded avoiding eye contact
"Look at me" said Rhea putting her hand to my chin forcing me to look and keep eye contact with her.
"O-o-ok" I stuttered sadly as I looked at her
"Please put you brace back on babe" said Rhea calmly
I just growled in response
"I'm sorry did you just growl at me babygirl" said Rhea looking at me with lust filled eyes
"N-no" I mentally facepalmed for stuttering
"That's not what I heard" Rhea said as she pulled me towards her. She leaned in and kissed me deeply and I cant help but to melt into the kiss.

Rhea Ripley x Female readerWhere stories live. Discover now