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"Y/N your match is next," said the backstage cordantior steve I nodded getting ready for my match. I tightened my knee pads before my music hit it had changed again it wasn't what it was (couldn't find what it was sorry.) it was the instrumental of wake up by Black Veil Brides my ring gear changed too.  I was worried about the backlash because of last week and the argument with Rhea. But I knew I was right I was just hoping I was making the right choice I was supposed to go against Becky Lynch tonight my head wasn't in the game though I was too focused on my wife.  I heard my music hit and I stood up waving the thoughts of rhea from my mind and getting my head in the game. then I ran out of the gorilla and I was walking with the beat of the drums to my music. 

"what do you feel if you are Y/N right now I mean her wife just joined the Judgement day and she is struggling with that drama and then Becky lynch calls you out on Twitter calling you a bad wife and trying to give you tips on how to improve her marriage last Friday. what do you think is going on in her head right now, Michael," said Corey trying to stir the pot as usual but even though it was just part of the storyline what Becky said still affected me, Corry, bringing it up again just made rage boil in my body. when I heard Becky's music hit the rage just boiled hotter. the words she typed running through my mind over and over. "maybe if you weren't such a bad wife Rhea wouldn't have joined the Judgement day but I could give you some tips" she said all I heard was the bell I wasn't going to show mercy I started by grappling with her but I broke it then I put her into a headlock. she broke out of it then I slapped her

"that must-have hurt Becky's face is bright red!" said Michael 

"yeah there must have been complete rage behind that slap," said Byron as I put her into a dragon sleeper she tapped almost as soon as I put her in it. I threw her to the ground.  harshly then walked backstage. we were in Grand Rapids Michigan and I was walking quickly as I did when I was angry 'was I too harsh Becky didn't even get a hit in' I thought to myself as I walked into the locker room and sat in my corner. and changed into my regular clothes I checked my phone I had a missed call from rhea who was at home with our dog well her dog I called her back. 

RHEA: hey love are you ok I saw your match 

Y/N: no, can we talk when I'm back in the motel room please I don't want to talk right now

RHEA: yeah just be careful 

Y/N: I will love you talk to you later

RHEA: love you talk to you later then I hung up 

I walked out to my rental car and drove to the motel. then called Rhea back she picked up on the first ring

Y/N: am I a bad wife? I asked before she could even say hello

RHEA: what could have ever given you that idea? listen to me you could never be a bad wife. why would you ever say that. she said 

Y/N: check Twitter you'll find out. I said holding back tears. the exact reason I did not want to have this conversation where cameras would be. knowing this would happen 

RHEA: I am going to kill her she shouted even though it was over the phone caused me to flinch, and that caused the dam holding my tears back to explode I let out a sob that caught Rhea's attention. 

RHEA: you are the best wife anyone could ask for and I snatched you up before anyone else could you are my wife and I wouldn't change that for anyone and Becky is just trying to stir the pot Y/N, you are my wife and nothing will ever change that you are the light of my life. the reason I breathe Y/N and I don't know where I would be without you. You have no reason to ever worry about being a bad wife to me and by the way, I loved your match tonight and I wish you would see the beautiful and brilliant person I see you as. 

Y/N: will you stay on the phone with me tonight? I asked 

RHEA:  anything you need Y/N she said as I lay on the bed and then arranged the pillows how I wanted them. and plugged in my phone. I fell asleep to Rhea soothing me. 

Rhea Ripley x Female readerWhere stories live. Discover now