in catering

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"hey shayna are you looking forward to your match with alliyah tonight" i asked as i sat down next to her.

"hell yeah"she said with a smile

"how does it feel to be back love birds" said mia

"feels fucking great" i said with a smile 

"hey (Y/N) how are you doing" said dakota 

"im doing good" i said 

"how is married life" jess asked 

"she is the clumsiest person i know" said Rhea as she pointed at me with a slight chuckle

"hey you knew that before we got married" i pouted

"true" said rhea as she kissed my forehead i rolled my eyes with a smile then aliyah walked in and she looked at me and rhea scoffed then walked to stone starting to talk shit

"kick her homophobic ass for us please" said rhea as she pulled me closer

"gladly" said shayna 

"she is really getting on my nerves" i growled 

"i know babe i know but lets show her we are gonna be married no matter what happens" said rhea with a devilish smirk 

"what do you have in mind we'll help" said jess

"no this is for me and (Y/N)" said rhea that smirk still on her face

"sonya is gonna stop by after my match with aliyah" said shayna 

"ok" said the rest of us we were sitting at a round table i was on the right of rhea shayna was on the other side of rhea jess was next to her then marina then dakota and then mia we were all sitting at the table eating talking about the honeymoon. then we started to get ready for our matches this was shayna's last match on NXT and she was moving up to raw. the rest of us were still gonna be here exept for mia and she moved to the main roster and she was just visiting us at NXT we were gonna have fun tonight after we were gonna  go to a local bar i wasn't gonna drink and be dd though

Rhea Ripley x Female readerWhere stories live. Discover now