joining judgment day

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I was going to be joining judgment day at survivor series my wife was on smack down and i was on raw because the feud with the Robert Stone brand faded. I wanted to be better than them and beat them I wanted to make them suffer so I joined the judgment day.  but what I didn't know I would be faced with a crossroads. we had attacked smack down. (Y/N) was defending her friend Mia Yim.  

"that music oh no get out of there Mia this won't end well," said Corry  Graves as we marched to the ring then when we got there we started the beat down on her then my wife's music hit she ran out with a mic 

"rhea stop it this isn't right what the hell Damien priest and edge get a hold of you and you attack at random," she said standing toe to toe with me  in front of mia edge snatched the mic out of her hand 

"you and mia you little friends brought her down we are here to lay a judgment and send a message," he said 

"When I was at her side she was champion she beat shanya bazler she was at the top of the totem pole at nxt she was raw women's champion she wasn't a lap dog to some fucking hall of Famer still clinging to his prime because he can't let go just let go edge your wife did," she said after snatching the mic back then helping mia out of the ring and then walking to the backstage area 


"that was really brave of you," said mia

"it broke my heart to say it," I said tears falling down my face as we got back 

"I know but maybe she'll wake up now and not hurt as many people," she said as Megan Morant walked up to us 

"Tonight (Y/N) you stood up to your wife and her team what made you do that instead of waiting on the sidelines?" she asked 

"mia helped train me when I got to nxt and was a bridesmaid at my wedding I wasn't going to let her throw away a friendship we have had for over two years now be thrown away because of them I wasn't," I said as I walked away with mia we walked to the green room I smiled as we talked I smiled  Roman walked in with the Uso's and everyone's smile faded when he did. he had a very stern look on his face as he walked into the room none of us uttered a word when he was around we all stayed silent when he walked in a room unless you were Austin Theory and stupid with the ego of Vince but as roman said himself daddy isn't here anymore and the crowd reaction was great I loved it. so did everyone else in the back. the look on his face was priceless and we all loved it. even brock does tell roman though. 

Rhea Ripley x Female readerWhere stories live. Discover now