Rhea To The Rescue

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"Rhea slow down I know you want to fight Becky but please slow down I can't  keep up," I said as I grabbed onto her sleeve she sighed and came to a stop 

"she made you cry and question if you were a good wife and you are the best wife I could ever ask for I'm still questioning why you chose me," she said putting a hand on my cheek she kissed my head. when we walked around the corner we saw Damien Priest and Edge waiting for Rhea

"Who do you want to go after tonight," said Edge

"I want Becky's head on a plater," said Rhea 

"ok and I want to fight Seth Rollins so tag match," said Edge rhea nodded

"I will be in the dressing room," I said as I went around them with my suitcase terrible idea, and walked right into Becky.

"I didn't know you would take that like such a baby about that tweet," she said I rolled my eyes

"Becky here is your only warning stay away from my wife and don't ever insult her again because you did I want a match with you tonight," said rhea as she stood behind me. Her arm wrapped around my waist I didn't even hear her footsteps, 

"your on," said Becky as she walked in 

"Are you ok Y/N?" asked Rhea 

"yeah I'm fine whatever gave you the idea I wasn't," I said looking at her

"you're white-knuckling your fist," she said holding my hand

"oh I'm sorry," I said she held my hand in hers 

"Don't be sorry," rhea said as she started to walk with me into the dressing room

I changed into my ring gear as did Rhea

"Who is your match tonight," asked Rhea

"Shanya," I said as she walked in 

"How are you doing," Shayna asked 

"good all things considered," I said 

"Well, we have the match before the main event."

"Who is the main event," asked rhea

"Seth Rollins and Damien Priest," she said 

"but the producers are going to make it the mixed tag" she followed

"We're in the main event rhea," said Damien 

we waited all night for mine and Shayna's match she went out first then me 

"how do you fight Shayna Baszler?" asked corry 

"I don't know Y/N better watch out I hear the queen of spades has been in a bad mood for the last week," said Kevin 

"This is not the first time they have faced tough back in 2020 she made her debut on NXT against Shayna Baszler and Y/N won Y/N may not have any belts yet she is a force to be reckoned with," said Corry Graves as the bell rung she lunged at me and I dodged it I caught her leg and kicked her with a tornado kick. I then hither with a backbreaker but all good things must come to an end when she caught me with an uppercut. I got her with a right hook and we went blow for blow.  for about three minutes when I got to the top rope but when Shayna pulled me down I landed wrong the ref checked on me and saw that I landed on my knee dislocating it shanya broke character immediately and was at my side Shayna was one of my best friends. and then I heard the judgment day music.

"damn it rhea keep your head in the game," I said as Shayna helped me up and out of the ring I was using her as a human crutch 

"rhea I'm fine please just get ready for your match," I said as Shayna and I got back the doctor met us behind the curtain

"dislocated?" I asked

"no actually just sprained this time," she said but you will have to stay off of it for a few weeks. 

"shanya if you go back into the dressing room my brace is in my suitcase go get it," I said and she raced off to go get it. three minutes later she grabs it and sits me down in front of a tv so I can watch Rhea and Damien knock the "power couple" down a few hundred pegs.


I was watching the match between my wife and one of my best friends. then I saw Y/N go down I watched as Shayna broke her character and checked on her I saw her face she was in pain. I ran out the hit my music and then I watched as Shayna helped her out of the ring

"rhea I'm fine please just get ready for your match," she said I stayed on the ramp as Damien came out we walked to the ring.  then Seth came out and waited for Becky. she came out in the most god-awful outfit ever and they walked down to the ring in the most cringy way they were able to

"if I ever come down the ramp like that kill me," I said to Damien

"do you wanna start the match," asked Damien

"you do it if you want to kick seth's ass because you won't get a chance if I start with Becky," I said as they got into the ring. I got behind the ropes not trusting myself not to attack Becky.  when the bell rang Damien went after seth and he ran to his wife who he tagged I got in the ring and dragged Becky in by her hair.

"how do you feel if you are rhea right now you just watched your wife get hurt both physically and emotionally and the person who humiliated your wife on Twitter is right in front of you," said Kevin as I hit her with a riptide

"I would be more worried if I was Becky right now I mean rhea is not letting up at all rhea is punishing her for what she said on Twitter a week ago," said Correy as I did another riptide one right after the other until I put her in her submission move she tapped out. and I walked out of the ring focused on nothing but my wife. when I got backstage Shayna was sitting next to her trying to get her to take pain meds

"Shayna I'm fine it doesn't even hurt that bad and you heard the doctor it was just a sprain," said my wife my dear sweet Y/N

"rhea" she beamed as she saw me I smiled as she signaled for me to go to her like I wasn't headed that way in the first place

"take the pain meds," I said she shook her head I cocked an eyebrow and she sighed

"fine," she said as she took the meds I smirked

"thank you," Shayna said

"you're welcome"Shayna I said Y/N yawned I lifted her with ease and she curled into me I packed her clothes back up and I assume Shayna helped her out of her ring gear because she was in normal clothes. her knee was very swollen and I picked her up and carried her to the car. 

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Mar 26, 2023 ⏰

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