the big match

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it was three days after I got the call that I was going to be in WWE I was going against Shayna Baszler i was so excited that i called my mom 

Hey mom 

mom: hey bug whats going on?


mom: so no collage 

mom i have wanted to do this for years and i got into wwe cant you just be proud of me? no you cant. why? because your to busy banging dad's best friend!

                                                                          END OF CALL


I heard someone yell when i walked into the locker room i saw her i the girl from the other day that dropped her glasses on the way to her car. "hey you okay"i said concerned "yeah I'm fine" she said with tears in her eyes "i'm Rhea whats your name?" "i'm (y/n)"she said a lilttle happier "can i tell you something" she said sad again "yeah" "m-m-my mom doesn't support my career choice" "is that who you where talking to on the phone?" "yeah "she replied sadly 


it was time for my match with Shayna my music hits so I go out when Shayna's music hits Jessamyn Duke and Marina Shafir come out with her but I keep my head in the game  Shayna hit me with rights and lefts then went for a kick I caught  her leg and pulled her feet from underneath her got on top of her and started pumbling her I pulled her up to the top rope and hit a super-plex on her i go for the cover 1-2-3! the crowed shouts as the reff slaps the mat. I won. I went backstage where Rhea was waiting back stage for me. 

"hey"i heard shayna call behind me "Oh hey shayna" "you put up one hell of a fight" said jessamyn "thank you Jessamyn" "you're welcome but please call me Jess" "okay Jess" i said as we all walked back to the locker room. 

 I put on black jeans and a Dragon Ball-Z t-shirt with my harry potter van slip on's Rhea had on a pair of dark blue ripped up jeans and a black tank top and her black converse high tops Shayna put on a UFC shirt and black jeans and black adidas  Jess and Marina just wore what they had on because they didn't compte tonight. I went to my car and I went home. when i got home i got a call from my mom i rolled my eyes and let it go to viocemail. i didn't want to ruin the night I had. when i lisened to the voicemail it said "call me back when you get this" i shruged and called her back 

mom: hey bug I am proud of you its just I would wish you would go to collage.

thanks mom but I won tonight mom look it up it wasnt a long match but I beat Shayna Baszler.  

mom: night bug it is late for you 

night mom  

                                                                        end of call     

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